Fat experiences

Sleep deprivation-weight gain?

Firstly, has anyone else's sleeping patterns been totally screwed up because of lockdown? Working from home for the last 6 months has got me sat in bed, eyes wide open, restlessly waiting for sleep to happen these days. I'm sure its due to not getting out and doing the usual routine.

Secondly, there have been studies conducted to suggest that sleep deprivation causes weight gain. Had anyone experienced this?
3 years

Sleep deprivation-weight gain?

Yeah, my sleep went to hell with my work going remote.
For an engineer its very uncomfortable to be braindead all day, so I went for sleeping aids to rectify that.
This is a great time for cyproheptadine (Apetamine) btw, but not an option for, because I need my brain...

I think I've gotten fatter, but lost some weight. I think its due to muscle loss and a lot of stress (not the fattening kind unfortunately)

I think things could've been different if I:
- wasn't really concerned about dying of COVID (obesity and hypertension are risk factors for me)
- had more time for cooking and grocery shopping or even better a feeder who could handle related nuissances and encourage of course smiley
3 years