
Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

If you are going to make casseroles, use heavy cream for the sauce and, real butter more than it calls for.

Make sure there are desserts for every meal ... really heavy fattening desserts with portions that grow just a little week after week.

As you go along, with delicious foods that are fattening and desserts that are indulgences, over time less fattening foods are going to taste blah. As you slowly increase the portions she is going to get used to them and start eating more at all her meals.
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

Just serve that dessert an hour or so after the meal. It just gives you a better opportunity to slowly increase the portions at dinner AND slowly increase the portions on the desserts!
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

Personal preference to some extent. Cheesecake made with lots of real dairy is a personal favorite.

Real ice cream with lots of fruit compote is another great choice.

Rich puddings made with lots of real heavy cream in various flavors.

With calorie rich choices and portion growth you ought to be able to go from 400 calorie "snacks" to 800 calorie "snacks" over a couple of months easily.
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

Yep, with heavy cream in many of your meals, plus continually increasing portions, you will find that foods that are NOT rich with cream will taste empty and unsatisfying while normal portions will seem too small.

You may also find yourself craving that stuffed feeling as well. All things that will contribute to long term gain!
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

Extra snacking can make a real difference too. (especially if working from home, but also any job where it is an option). Setting her up with some small chocolate bits or M&Ms, a sleeve of cookies, even a bowl of washed grapes. If you are making supper together put together a few crackers with cheese to 'keep you going until supper', in the evening make popcorn with lots of butter, or ask if she'd like (whatever snack she might enjoy). You can eat a lot in the day without getting stuffed from meals by just making sure you are eating something more often.
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

There is no way to put on weight "real fast" it takes time and how your body processes what you put in it.
I would say eat larger portions at each meal and eat something before you go to bed.
The guilt or shame if people notice thing you will just have to get used to it because people will notice.
I felt guilty at first so I know the feeling.
Once I figured out nobody really cared if I put on weight it was not a problem.
My Mom still gets on me for being fat but I tell her to mind her own business LOL
3 years

Tips for overcoming the embarrassment

There is no way to put on weight "real fast" it takes time and how your body processes what you put in it.
I would say eat larger portions at each meal and eat something before you go to bed.
The guilt or shame if people notice thing you will just have to get used to it because people will notice.
I felt guilty at first so I know the feeling.
Once I figured out nobody really cared if I put on weight it was not a problem.
My Mom still gets on me for being fat but I tell her to mind her own business LOL

I agree with Ditzy that you have to get used to it. We really think at first that people are really paying us attention but most people are dealing with their own problems and they could care less. My ex is a college professor and she actually introduced me into being a feeder but over time I became a feedee and I got over my embarrassment and I had to own my fat instead of feeling judged by it
3 years