
Popping jeans button

Does anyone happen to have any advice on how to pop the button off some old pants? What foods might help or soda? Or whether eating a lot over the course of a day could help?
3 years

Popping jeans button

Does anyone happen to have any advice on how to pop the button off some old pants? What foods might help or soda? Or whether eating a lot over the course of a day could help?

I mean unless they are really cheaply made or really tight. They can be tuff to pop. I’ve ripped seams before I’ve popped buttons before.
3 years

Popping jeans button

Does anyone happen to have any advice on how to pop the button off some old pants? What foods might help or soda? Or whether eating a lot over the course of a day could help?

If the thread holding the button in place is really strong you might be at it a while but it will be fun.

You gotta button your pants OVER your lower belly as much as you can and make sure to zip up the pants if you can. Then sit down and feel the pants strain to contain your belly. They might pop; they might not pop.

If they don't keep them on and go eat a big pizza or something else big you like to stuff yourself with and have some beers or soda with that, as long as it's fizzy.

Keep going until you either pop the button or can't eat/ drink anymore because your belly is just too full. If the button pops, yay. If it doesn't pop just undo the button and feel your belly release and you will see just how much bigger you are now, than before eating.

Then rinse and repeat till they pop bro smiley

Super insightful!! Thank you so much
3 years