Fat experiences

Popping button off jeans

Does anyone happen to have any advice on how to pop the button off some old pants? What foods might help or soda? Or whether eating a lot over the course of a day could help?
3 years

Popping button off jeans

Be aware that a lot of buttons are sewn on really well! Jeans buttons in particular are often pretty tough. If you really want to pop a button, either choose pants where the button is already getting loose, or else snip away at some of the threads.
3 years

Popping button off jeans

Thanks for your wisdom!!
3 years

Popping button off jeans

You're probably not going to pop the button on your jeans. They're designed so that isn't a failure point for most brands. Check out the construction of yours but all mine are solid metal so multiple layers of fabric have to fail before that button goes anywhere.

You want dress pants where the button is sewn on.
3 years