Fat experiences

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

i mostly havr issues with chips lol. I can go therw a bag in under an hour.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

sometimes I'm like this with cookies, i grab the package and then try to eat a few but end up thinking "one more couldn't hurt" and I end up eating the whole package. so you're not alone with this
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

We all have had those feelings and that is why most of us are fat because we surround ourselves with comfort foods and they release dopamine and serotonin so our brains just go on autopilot and we can't stop ourselves
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

With me it depends on the food in question. I can’t eat a ton of sweets without being overwhelmed with sugar. Savory snacks though? I can go through a party size bag of barbecue chips in one evening! Aged cheeses, nuts, pretzels, crackers and dip, cured meats, arare mix, dry ramen noodles crunched up and mixed with the seasoning packet... I can eat so much when there’s savory snacks around.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

We all have had those feelings and that is why most of us are fat because we surround ourselves with comfort foods and they release dopamine and serotonin so our brains just go on autopilot and we can't stop ourselves

Good 411 regarding dopamine and serotonin as that does explain a lot along with the emotional connection to food that some experience as well.

Anytime playa, those of us who have waddled into the obese sunken place have to realize that at the core of this; we are addicts. We are addicted to the taste of food, to how the flavor sets off our neuro pathways like a drug and we love that feeling so much that being full is like overdosing but all we get from it is that we grow a fupa and we can't fit through doorways or we grow a gut that slaps our thighs when we try to walk. 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

With me it depends on the food in question. I can’t eat a ton of sweets without being overwhelmed with sugar. Savory snacks though? I can go through a party size bag of barbecue chips in one evening! Aged cheeses, nuts, pretzels, crackers and dip, cured meats, arare mix, dry ramen noodles crunched up and mixed with the seasoning packet... I can eat so much when there’s savory snacks around.

I too greatly prefer savory over sweet! And can easily go through a bag of Wise cheese doodles in one sitting.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I think the compulsive snacking--grazing--is an indcation that you'll always be a fatty. I can't help myself either, and it's really increased the past months. I used to think I was a pig when I ate 1/3 of a bag of chips a day. Now I easily eat a bag in a day . . .
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

This is me. Whatever food is in front of me, I finish it. It could be a huge portion for dinner or a small snack. The problem for me and snacks is if I have a bag of chips or cookies, or pint of ice cream, I don't stop until the whole thing is finished!
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I would go thru a bag of chips or cookies in one sitting. I would snack throughout the day; but I couldn't stop the snacking.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I truly think that my brain shuts off when I get around chips and cookies because I can destroy whole packages of Oreos without even realizing that I ate them and then I want more. I will get full easily off of anything else but my stomach act like it gives a special pass for barbeque chips and Oreos. 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
3 years
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