Fat experiences

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I’m the same. If something’s in front of me, I won’t eat a little of it, I’ll finish it. I have some control over savoury foods but none over sweet things. I’m definitely a comfort eater and I kinda zone out when eating, but I also think sugar is very addictive. I cut down a couple years ago and found that when I did eat something sugary, I could only handle very small amounts. But over time I fell back into the sugar trap lol. I’ll eat a whole cake if that’s an option.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I have had a really hard time controlling myself with snack foods. I will open a package of oreos intending to have two and before I know it the package is gone. Not a good habit and definitely a big part of why I have been blinking up.
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

The problem for me and snacks is if I have a bag of chips or cookies, or pint of ice cream, I don't stop until the whole thing is finished!

A pint of ice cream isn't a snack? I'll try to remember that...
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I bought a 10 pack of ice creams (the "on a stick" popsicle type) last night when I was at the supermarket.
I told myself that I'll be a good boy and only have one per night after dinner.

That was 7pm.

All 10 were gone by midnight 😅🤣
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

I bought a 10 pack of ice creams (the "on a stick" popsicle type) last night when I was at the supermarket.
I told myself that I'll be a good boy and only have one per night after dinner.

That was 7pm.

All 10 were gone by midnight 😅🤣

Who’s the sadist that decided to only put 10 in a pack

You didn't specify one ice cream bar each night or one package a night.

It's like if you don't cut the cake and eat the whole thing with a fork, technically you had one piece of cake, right?
3 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

Crunchy, salty snacks are my kryptonite - it's so easy to eat a family sized bag while grazing or bored.
2 years
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