
Only place it's ok to be fat

Hey - So I don't really like that I'm fat. I actually hate it because society looks down on it and I can't seem to get a guy to like me in real life. The only time I feel ok with my body is on here where I get lots of that weird?
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

Not at all
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

Hey - So I don't really like that I'm fat. I actually hate it because society looks down on it and I can't seem to get a guy to like me in real life. The only time I feel ok with my body is on here where I get lots of that weird?

Absolutely not, mainly because it’s a site dedicated to that smiley

I can’t directly relate, but I had drug issues and was eventually diagnosed bipolar, and once I got help things got better, but point being, I can completely understand feeling ostracized in a way, and sorta pushed to the side. I feel ya
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

Do you not really like being fat in itself? Or is it the shit society gives you?

There are people that are attracted to fat girls who don't know about this site. Their are many more that probably have this preference and don't even know it/deny because they are told it's wrong too.
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

No, it makes complete sense. It's a lot harder to be OK with something when we're not sure it is making us happy.

It does seem like your issue is more that you are lonely though. Your worry is that being fat means you won't meet someone lovely. You don't seem to hate being fat in and of itself and you seem like you'd be very happy with someone you're crazy about who's crazy about you to boost your self confidence.
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

It is the same in the UK too. Introspection is hard to come by in all walks of life in my eperience.
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

Nah, that makes sense. It’s always a confidence boost to have people tell you you’re attractive, and if there’s any place that’s sure to find fat attractive, it’s a place called “Fantasy Feeder” lol
3 years

Only place it's ok to be fat

Hey - So I don't really like that I'm fat. I actually hate it because society looks down on it and I can't seem to get a guy to like me in real life. The only time I feel ok with my body is on here where I get lots of that weird?

You need to be bold and meet people from here in the physical world. You need to be even more bold because it means evading our police state. As does the person you meet.
3 years