Fattening others

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I think it's important for feeders to examine their motivations for wanting to "keep their weight under control" in this kink. If you (a feeder) and your partner (a feedee) genuinely love the contrast, great! If they genuinely want you to be fit for them while they get fatter, also great! But if you're begrudgingly forcing yourself to stay thin because of societal expectations or internalized fatphobia it may be time to examine why society and the diet industry feel like you owe them the debt of thinness. You think fat is beautiful, right? If so, what's wrong with being ever so slightly soft?

Generally speaking, even if you and your feedee have an agreement where they want to blow up for you, any incidental weight gain on your part will probably be insignificant. But if you've examined your motivations and are still concerned about gaining, either for agreed upon aesthetic reasons or for maintaining strength as they get bigger and possibly less able to do things:

1. Keep both healthy and indulgent food in the house. That way they can load up on calorie-heavy food and you can eat with them but fill up on fruits, veg, healthy carbs like brown rice and whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like nuts and avocados. And feed them some healthy food too, maybe dressed up with buttery cream sauces so they get their calories in but lbh there's nothing sexy about vitamin deficiency.

2. Maintain a regimen of daily activity. This can be anything from a 20 minute walk every day to some lifting. And if it's just a light walk honestly take them with you if they want to retain their mobility. A walk is also a great opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind, your relationship, and the future.

3. For the love of god don't work a desk job. It's menial, it's boring, you sit on your ass all day and burn less calories than if you were sleeping. And you can make more money as a bartender and also be working on those sick guns hauling kegs of beer all day.
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

There are loads of good point in this thread.

I mentioned it to the wife when I went out for my first run of the new year, and from her perspective (as she likes to see my abs) is that it's easier for me to stay trim as I have a dairy allergy.

She has cream in her coffee or with her berries. Butter on her sandwiches, profiteroles, chocolate snacks (usually ferrero at this time of the year).

All these temptations floating around are easy for her to indulge in but are literally impossible for me to eat without getting sick which means there are no snacks/cream/dairy items for me in our day to day lives.

Porting this to a normal couple without dietary requirements, one could possibly try having specific fatteners that were things just for the feedee. Buy a pint of double/heavy cream and use it in coffee/tea/chai every time they drink. Have separate sauces for pasta and ensure that deserts are for the feedee to enjoy by eating and the feeder by watching
3 years
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