
Single or double belly?

You have to make a commitment to yourself if you really want to get fatter same as you would to work out going to a gym to lose weight.
It takes time and hard work so don't have the idea that gaining weight is easy because it isn't.
As you start eating larger amounts of food or increase caloric intake with less physical activity your metabolism will start to adjust and start storing fat.
Where it goes is up to your body.
3 years

Single or double belly?

OK just eat what you like don't feel you have to pig out on junk food to get fat.
Pigging out on junk food gave me indigestion something awful and caused me to break out with acne.
There are lots of decisions to make along the way and adjustments to foods that will help you gain weight.
Heavy cream, Ice cream are good choices.
3 years

Single or double belly?

It will help you gain but don't expect a lot at first remember your metabolism holds the key.
3 years

Single or double belly?

I hope you have great results and get as fat as you want.
3 years

Single or double belly?

Double bellies on ladies are tremendous turn-ons for me :-)
3 years

Single or double belly?

I prefer double bellies. But I like how the giant inflated single bellies make you stand more erect to adjust your center of balance which in turn makes you walk around sticking your giant belly out.

It's hot when a girl is clearly dressing to hide it but she's forced to walk sticking her gut out as much as she can.
3 years

Single or double belly?

Both are amazing and are adorable, but I do love one big round one.
3 years

Single or double belly?

Double here, or if single, a nice saggy apron. Saggy and soft either way. Not a fan of the hard visceral fat belly.
3 years

Single or double belly?

Nothing better than a big round full one, especially as she puts on more weight and gets up above a certain size like 300 etc. Most double bellies form bc of putting the waist of your pants over your lower belly, but that isnt always the case...
3 years

Single or double belly?

I do like single round bellies. My wife has a huge protruding belly which is very soft. I on the other hand have firm round protruding belly. I’d like to be softer.
3 years
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