Fattening others

Understanding my new fetish and looking for advice

Thing one to have very clear in your mind is that trying to change someone else's body without their consent is not ethical. So no tricking your bf into gaining weight, coercing him, etc.

If he is on a scholarship, gaining weight right now could have a huge financial impact on him if he lost that funding. If that is not the case then he'll have more freedom. But either way, if you want him to gain more, you need to talk to him about it. He has an identify as an athlete, and all the privilege that comes with being thin and fit. Even if he likes pleasing you, even if he loves food, even if he is not personally fussed about getting a bit softer, those other factors may lead him to not want to.

Basically, random thin people are not frequently willing to gain weight (but some are). It is a tough spot to be in, realizing that you are an FA when in a serious relationship with somone who is not fat and may not want to become fat.

Best of luck in navigating all of this.
3 years

Understanding my new fetish and looking for advice

What the person above me said about consent is important, especially given the lifestyle changes that come with this. Along with that, being open and honest with your partner about this is paramount. My wife knows I have this fetish and while it's not her thing, she gets it. You seem to have at least touched on it with him, but it bears having a deeper conversation, even if its not his thing. That said, if he's not into it, or doesn't want to get too big, you guys can at least role play or something. Whatever works for you. Don't push him into it. If he doesn't want to gain, that's his decision, same as it would be for you. If he does decide to gain, there's all sorts of info here on how to do it, just be safe about it. Also, buyer beware: its not uncommon for feeders to accidentally gain weight themselves. Its also fairly common for feeders who DO gain weight, to find they enjoy it. There are a lot of facets to FA and feederism stuff so its hard tongive blanket advice beyond that. If you have questions, a lot of the time you can search the forums and find an answer or just ask. Beyond that, welcome and enjoy the ride.
3 years