Video performers

Creating alluring pictures

Guys' pics generally get a lot less attention than women's pics. So I wouldn't say that nobody pays attention to pics, but as a guy you are only going to get so much attention.

I think that unless you have a very impressive belly, people get bored with the classic belly selfie. You might want some of those for your memories, but you won't get a lot of attention on them usually.

A well done pic may grab more eyeballs. Use the timer on your phone (or camera) to give you more scope in how you pose. Play with light. Crop the picture for effect. Look up online tips for posing. Pay attention to your background. Consider pics that tease what you want to show instead of showing it all (showing a bit of belly bulge showing in an open suit jacket for example, rather than just a bare belly).

I don't promise that doing all of that will get you a lot of attention, but it probably improves your odds.
3 years