Fat experiences

Dealing with sciatic nerve pain?

Who deals with it? And what helps you the most?
3 years

Dealing with sciatic nerve pain?

It may sound snake oiley but stretching is legitimately the most effective sciatica treatment, not to mention cheapest and easiest. Plus if you're fat the stretches will really make you notice how squishy you are smiley

Just look up "sciatica stretches" or "sciatica yoga". My pain stopped in about a week of consistent stretching and has only come back when I go a long time without doing it.

Can certainly second this. My better half started getting sciatica when she really started to bloom. Her physio gave her a series of stretches that she does daily. They really passive and most can be done on the bed and over the edge of it. After nearly giving up and at nearly 3 weeks in, her pain really started to relieve significantly.

Another thing to consider, once you’re mobile again, is to work on your posture with a mix of weights, stretching and setting up your environment (clothes, chairs, bed, desk, dining table etc)
2 years