Fat experiences

Waning interest in fat

I definitely have felt that before and I still do today.
3 years

Waning interest in fat

Does anyone else come in and out of interest for fat? Like when I'm talking to my feedee alot I get omega into it. But like the last few days I'm struggling to remember why I was so into it. Does anyone else have this problem? Cause I wanna stay committed for her, but the second we go a couple days without talking I go back to my normal self whos never been that interested in this stuff.
I guess the first question I'd be curious about is how you came to be in a feedee/feeder relationship if you never had any interest to begin with. Did you just happen to meet a feedee and sort of went with it? Do you get satisfaction out of being a feeder? It seems like there's a lot to unpack in that brief paragraph.
3 years

Waning interest in fat

I definitely have felt that before and I still do today.

John Smith:
Did you ever pondered yourself which reason/s may wane your interest, every then and now...??

I actually know. I would love to get fat and maybe even bigger than just fat. What holds me back is a few things. I've never been fat before so I don't know what it is like. It would be a different experience for me but I think I could easily overcome that. But mainly I would like to explore different places and there are a lot all over the world. I wouldn't care that much about what others might think if I started gaining so that is not an issue for me.

So overall, if I had no interest in going anywhere, I definitely would go for it. When I look at people who are already huge, they seem to enjoy it a lot and it looks fun to be that big and soft and jiggly. Especially when they get bigger and softer and have a hard time walking through doors and fitting in chairs.
3 years