Fat experiences

Friends in the fridge?

Just curious to know what others have experienced with regard to friends and acquaintances, and your suspicions that they may have an interest in this area.

I have a long-term female friend who I’m reasonably certain has feedee feels. A few years back she appeared to be intentionally gaining (my gain-dar was beeping loudly) and was quite successful, causing me to experience a great deal of internal conflict, since she is a friend, as is her partner. She subsequently lost the weight. My reading of the situation is that she wanted to explore getting fat, but only temporarily, or that the act of doing so came with consequences that she did not like.

Another friend, also female, seems very interested any time someone brings up the topic of someone male gaining weight. She’s even joked a few times about finding fat men attractive, and has certainly noticed my weight gain.

It makes me wonder what percentage of feedists do not take their interest online, to sites such as this. It’s reasonable to assume that FF and other sites are the natural destinations of the fat-intrigued, but I wonder the ratio between those who explore this online and those who don’t.
3 years