Lifestyle tips

How to avoid a double belly?

I've noticed that people with double bellies tend to have them where they fasten their pants, shorts, skirts, etc. My recommendation is to avoid clothing with waistbands. It's not a guarantee, but I think it helps a lot. I'm developing a bit of a double belly, but mine is higher up and seems to be forming at a crease that naturally formed around the height of my natural waist.

I think genetics and hormones also play a role. I never had a double belly when I gained weight while taking prednisone.
1 year

How to avoid a double belly?

No. It's a coincidende, that the trousers, skirts etc are "fixed" around that cresse. Or rather not, because the apparell slides down over the upper roll and then "hangs" in that "valley" between the rolls. I wear dresses quite often and still have a double belly. It has hormonal / genetic reasons.
1 year
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