
When did your appetite increase?

From 180-200 I had to force myself to eat extra. Now at about 210+, It comes naturally. I'll eat a whole pizza, and while I know I shouldn't be hungry..... I am, or maybe I mentally want to taste more..... It's hard to tell anymore, but I love it.
2 years

When did your appetite increase?

A couple of years ago I was thin, I started eating a little before the pandemic started because I was stressed, so my appetite started to increase a lot

that is a really great point - the pandemic had a big impact on my eating habits, too.

i'm not sure if it was stress, or just access - being at home, having continual access to food and snacking all day. compounded with getting almost no exercise, i gained a lot without trying to.

the funny thing is i didn't notice a change in my appetite, possibly because i was just eating all of the time, lol! but it definitely takes more food to fill me up to the point of feeling stuffed than it did a year ago.
2 years

When did your appetite increase?

When I was 200-lbs., my appetite began to increase. Soon after, I ate double the amount of food like two meals from McDonald’s or Burger King. Then, I would snack in between meals like eat a package of Oreo cookies in one setting or a bag of chips. Therefore, I gained a substantial amount of weight. I topped out at 253-lbs.

Petite Feeder:
200 pounds seemed to be the turning point for my roommate as well. The first 50 pounds she gained were at a slower, steady pace, but after she passed the 200 mark it was as though her appetite increased exponentially.

I envy your roommate 😂
2 years
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