Fattening others

Feedist holy grail #1

Finding a way to figure out if someone is a feedist without asking and without them identifying as such.

I doubt there's any way to do it but I haven't given up hope. Anyone have any ideas?
3 years

Feedist holy grail #1

Ooo I’d like to know too, got someone in mind👀
3 years

Feedist holy grail #1

A while back I remember reading a suggestion that feedists should put a subtle mark on them. Like a button or a patch or really anywhere visible on a person. Or there should be like a common common code phrase with a specific response.

Yes, but it never caught on!

Anyway, ideally the method would let you identify people as feedists who weren't even aware they had that potential. A pipe dream no doubt, but oh well.
3 years

Feedist holy grail #1

As far as tattoos go: fantasyfeeder.com/pics/photo
3 years

Feedist holy grail #1

The idea was you get the tatoo on your wrist. If the fork points toward your hand you're a feeder; if it points more toward your mouth, you're a feedee.
3 years

Feedist holy grail #1

The idea was you get the tatoo on your wrist. If the fork points toward your hand you're a feeder; if it points more toward your mouth, you're a feedee.

I LOVE this idea! Even if people don't like tattoos, temp tats are fun, or even just drawing a small one on your wrist for an outing would be discreet and removable. This fork up or down symbol is ideal! Easy to draw, easy to recognize, but not obvious to those not in the community! ❤️❤️❤️
3 years