Fat experiences

Have you ever wanted to backtrack on your weight gain out of shock

When stairs started to become an issue and growing a belly apron will make you contemplate that I might have gone to the point of no return

The stairs were an issue when I weighed in at 245-lbs. Catching the elevated trains when the elevator or escalator were out of service became a hassle. I would become winded from climbing the stair. I wanted to backtrack on my weight when I was 210-lbs. Then I had stepped on a scale at a mall a few years ago; thinking I was at 210-lbs. or 215-lbs.; it hit me when the scales read 227.5-lbs. I said to myself "Oh, I'm getting fat. I thought that the 220's were my limit; but now, I'm beyond my weight limit. Now, I'm 250-lbs.
3 years
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