
What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I have always loved being fat and having my fat played with and have belly rubs when I'm stuffed and be pampered but a lot of my love for gaining is about confidence and power.

The bigger I get the more confident and powerful and happy I feel.

As a child my upbringing was very dysfunctional and was all about control and dictatorship from my father.

He prided himself on being in the Army many years earlier and turned into a violent drunk who demanded that he always got his own way and that everyone had no choice but to do what ever he commanded us to do and that if we refused to do what he said or spoke out about being unfairly treated he'd beat us!

When I was 9 years old he left home and moved away and things were bliss for a bit but their was this lust for power, who was in charge now he was gone?

It didn't matter who you were or what you were I would not tolerate dictatorship and will not be forced to do things I don't want to do because IT'S RONGE AND THAT'S IT! NO MESSING!

When I was 11 years old I had lots of eating contests with my older brother and went up to 126 pounds.

At the age of 11 I was heavier than my mother and I felt so confident and powerful, for the first time ever I didn't feel like a weak pathectic little boy who couldn't protect who his loved ones.

By the age of 14 I was 196 pounds which was heavier than my dad which meant that the tables were turned on the control & dictatorship game.

A year later it was 2008 and I was 15 years old and 210 pounds when I was disowned by my father for being fat and not doing what he said.

For 2 years he's forced me and my brother to walk around trentom woods for 4 hours and if we didn't keep up he'd beat us.

This had gone on for too long and he used medical evidence and a list of apparent health problems to justify his actions, so one afternoon I straight up refused to made to do things I didn't want to I mean what could he do I was the same height as my father and 14 pounds heavier so if he tried to hit me or grab me I could fight back and I may win!

He of course knew this and decided to ramp up the control and dictatorship yet again but I had had enough and then he decided that he'd had enough of me so I was banished from my fathers home and went to live with my mother full time.

My friends have always loved me for me and have supported me no matter what, some of my friends enjoy teasing me about my weight and play with my belly smiley

I have always loved stuffing my face and getting fatter and fatter, sometimes I have nightmares about losing weight and wake up in a panic, and when I have nice dreams I dream about being a sumo wrestler and having a gold belt and having a huge belly and big strong arms man I love it when I dream about these things.

I get especially turned on when my jeans get tighter and they show off my Butt.

I like to wear tight yellow T shirts as the bright color shows off my fat belly.

When I'm on holiday I love to wear speedos so that everyone can see my fat belly hanging over and jiggling as I walk, and see my fat legs rub together.

As a whole being fat is about me being confident and happy and also about showing off too and loving the feed back.

I love the way my bed creeks when I sit down and how I take up nearly 2 seats on any bus.

When I stand on the scales and I've gained weight that makes me so so happy.

Having to buy bigger trousers is also a big turn on because they never lie, if I go up 2 inch's in my work trousers that means I've gained a stone.

So even if scales didn't exists I'd know if I'd gained or lost weight xx
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

This is so interesting. I think we all should explore our "why." I majored in psychology and find this stuff fascinating. There is a reason for everything. For many it seems to have to do with excessivism, control, or a warped sense of love from seeing joy and love in the form of food being served at dinner etc. as a kid.

Agreed. I also majored in psychology and too many times folks will function off of their default mode network way of thinking while not actually realizing that their are some triggers as to why we have chosen this way to live.
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

This is so interesting. I think we all should explore our "why." I majored in psychology and find this stuff fascinating. There is a reason for everything. For many it seems to have to do with excessivism, control, or a warped sense of love from seeing joy and love in the form of food being served at dinner etc. as a kid.

Agreed. I also majored in psychology and too many times folks will function off of their default mode network way of thinking while not actually realizing that their are some triggers as to why we have chosen this way to live.

For sure and this sentiment applies to almost everyone and how they live their lives. It isn't just around this fetish. I feel like a large part of personal development and living your best life involves digging deep to really do the work and know why we are the way we are, in all facets of life.

I wholeheartedly concur. And just to add to that, it takes an acute awareness of one's genetic proclivities as well. My family has genetic behavioural patterns that tend to be on the compulsive side and when you add that with how we use food as a soother and in most cases best friend then what tends to happen is that you think that those behaviors are normal so it sends you down a path of just "going through the motions" and you never actually actualize that there are other ways to be and I didn't realize that until I met other SSBHM's down south and so what being obscenely obese day to day was really like.
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I always had a tendency towards weight gain and fought it. I don’t remember the specifics but I saw a fat guy I thought looked very good. I got seriously turned on by the thought of being fatter and thought to myself I’d love to get that fat. I decided to stop trying to lose/keep the weight off, and actively gain, and did. I went from about 200 to 245. My goal was 260-270. I’m just about 5’6”, so I was pretty fat, and loved it. I unintentionally lost about 35 lbs but I want to gain it back. I just love being fat, no idea why.
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I had a pleasant childhood, but I have been fascinated by obesity and fat since before puberty. I gained the freshman fifteen in college and then tried getting control of my weight. I was kind of heavy, like the "husky" boy sizes in the old catalogs. I lost weight after college and pretty much kept it off, though it was getting harder and harder to meet weight standards when I was in the military reserves. Since I've retired I'm casually, but actively gaining. I'm married to a BBW, so no grief about my weight from her.
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I always had a tendency towards weight gain and fought it. I don’t remember the specifics but I saw a fat guy I thought looked very good. I got seriously turned on by the thought of being fatter and thought to myself I’d love to get that fat.

I had the same experience when I was 11 years old, I often looked at fat men in their speedos and underwear and was very turned on.

I've also being turned on by homer Simpson and other Anime cartoons on several occasions.

Before I was sexually matured my heart pounded and I got so excited about the thought of having a huge belly and playing with it and watching it jiggly around.

I'm bisexual so I've always seen beauty in chubby men and woman, I just love how the belly hangs over and wobbles when they walk, and the fat Ass's are too die for I really really really really really really like fat x
3 years

What made you fall in love with weight gain?

I'm not really sure what caused it. It has really always been part of me to some degree, since pre-school. (I know I've told these things in other threads in the past, excuse me if you've read them before).

I'm old enough that I had an LP of nursery rhymes that I played a lot as a pre-schooler. One was good old
Jack Spratt would eat no fat,
His wife would eat no lean,
and so betwixt the two
They licked the platter clean.

At the time I didn't like fat on my meat so I was happy to have someone who shared my tastes, but also I fascinated with this concept of two people eating an entire platter of food, to the point of licking it clean (being little I took it all literally). But on the illustrations on the slip cover, it showed a very thin Jack Spratt with his very fat wife, and I remember thinking that didn't seem right with how much more lean there was than fat and that it wasn't fair that Jack wouldn't also get fat. Not quite weight gain, but really all the surrounding aspects, eating huge amounts, equating being fat with something desirable.

Flash past some other episodes as a kid, and come puberty my first erotic fantasy was of having a weight gain club with the chubbiest boy in my school and the two chubbiest girls in my class, and at the end of high school the fattest boy would get to date the fattest girl. (my entire knowledge of romance at that point came from Archie comics). I would start out as the least chubby, but be putting on huge amounts of weight by the last couple of years to end up being the fattest of the entire club. I worked that fantasy for months before moving on to other things (also when I began to figure out arithmetic and geometrical acceleration, as I worked out different formula to make things work out how I wanted).

So, the basics were there as a kid, by the time puberty hit that was what turned me on.
3 years