Fat experiences

What is the object of your kink?

For me, it’s the feel of it. I like gaining because I love how soft fat feels. I’m a very tactile person so Soft, doughy rolls, bellies, arms etc are so inviting.
3 years

What is the object of your kink?

Her growing softer, heavier and more confident.

Both visual and tactile.
3 years

What is the object of your kink?

Kind of two fold (no pun intended) for me.

First off it kind of twigged with me while I was a teen that I was attracted to a wide variety of body types. While not being attracted to women I was told to be attracted to. It wasn’t until I embraced body positivity that I really embraced my love of all bodies (bbw, ssbbw, etc, included).

Second was my own gaining experience. I got really depressed a few years back. I lost my appetite and a lot of weight. I found that I felt genuinely ugly the thinner I got (despite people telling me otherwise). It wasn’t until I made myself eat and started gaining that I actually felt comfortable in my own skin. From there I started to feel straight up sexy with my bit of jiggle.

So I kinda slipped into gaining. Never looked back.
3 years

What is the object of your kink?

For me I've always liked the episodes in cartoons where the characters would gain weight and I didn't understand why until I was older and realized that was it.

I think has left an impact on me as it's not only the person being fat in the belly, rump and breasts in different ways (sometimes the breasts are more pronounced and sometimes not) but also it's the situation the person is involved in.

I like scenes that convey the massiveness of the person, like their belly is big enough to be equivalent to a skinny person in size and we show that off in some way, or they've just finished a large meal and their belly is stuffed rounder than it was, etc.

I think that's why I like visual representations because artists tend to add those in to make more happening in the image and I love that.

I also love personality of the person, I like the person or character being confident or building confidence in their fat as they grow and also being somewhat dominating (I guess, I'm not really into submission or domination and often think of things as more on equal footing in sex).

Though I'll admit, I'm picky when it comes to somethings and the minute things go down a route I don't like then I loose all interest or feelings of being turned on but that's just me.

I've honestly felt some imposter syndrome when it comes to this fetish where I feel I'm not quite "doing it right" or that if I say how I'm turned on by it then someone will call me out for being a fake fat fetishist or something like that. Hopefully I'm wrong.
3 years

What is the object of your kink?

As much as anything it is having an encouraging and supportive fat/gaining community, or at least people happy with fat/weight-gain.
3 years