

There are a lot of threads about shakes, HC, and water, but none of those are my favorite beverages to chug or bloat with to top off a stuffing. I am also not a soda drinker, although I will chug a two liter of diet soda or seltzer just to stretch my stomach if I am training my capacity and don't have time to do it with food.

If I am having some heartburn or other pain, hot peppermint tea helps to sip to soothe it and revive an appetite.

For some reason, both Arizona ice tea's green tea and sports drinks are easier to chug large quantities than water or soda. Beer is good late in the game, but I can't drink a lot too early into a stuffing or it just makes me tired. A shower beer on an already stuffed belly goes down so smooth and easy.

Does anybody else have any beverage recommendations?
3 years


To finish, perhaps a pint of vanilla ice cream followed by as much root beer as you can handle...
3 years