Extreme obesity

Small heart attack

It wont be long little fatty, before your body pins you to your bed, your fat overflowing, and you are hooked up to a breathing machine and heart monitor so you can actually see when your first real heart attack hits your young and overclogged heart, you wont even be 25, but you will be pushing close to half a ton I reckon
3 years

Small heart attack

This sounds like the dream, left unable to move hooked up to medical equipment to see my health slowly decline as every part of me outside and in grows fatter and fatter- my limbs growing useless as my heart struggles to keep up under all that weight, watched, poked and prodded at like a science or medical experiment that is my life
1 year

Small heart attack

When you start eating to where you feel it in your back, chest and ribs...doesn't take much more for those occasional sharp pains (to massage and soothe).
1 year