Story authors

How can i find the inciting incident

Thank you Lydville. Thank you so much. And thank you John ❤️

First off, I love that you’re overthinking your story. That’s art.

The other posts really struck a chord with me. To me people getting fatter and enjoying it is not just hot, but profoundly beautiful. It pains me that so much of the community is about humiliation, degradation ect. I don’t want to insult people, I want to enjoy sharing a beautiful thing with them.

This is the way I've always seen it. I've just never had the words until you said them. One story that has inspired me greatly in making mine is a comic called "Lucy's Stuffing" by Better-with-salt, it just came to and end last month after being developed over the course of years.

In the story, Lucy is having issues controlling her weight at first but can't help her appetite making her eat too much. Eventually she realizes how this is making her feel amazing and she decides to just be "the fat woman" and grows to becoming quite huge.

Lucy isn't being forced to do any of this, she does it of her own free will, and she honestly finds her new physique beautiful. This story made me start wondering why can't stories be about someone enjoying themselves instead of someone being "ruined" by their gains.

My icon is the poster for the film version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas because that is a story about two men who enjoy themselves through drugs and don't come out of this experience being violated but instead wish they could return to that time. If Hunter S. Thompson could do it, why not us?

I'm so grateful and thankful you said that I am making art as that was the goal all along. I've been talked down about that specific thing before, that to making something artistic wasn't really something worth doing or that they wanted.

I didn't care, I wanted to make something that would be profound and leave an impact on the reader. I just never really knew what to say.

Fear and Loathing was about the loss of the American Dream and was an ode to the 60s counterculture movements, how that when those fighting in that movement lost, we all lost our chance at that "pursuit of happiness" that is the key idea of the American Dream.

Though when I saw the film adaptation, I felt something I had been through myself. I've never sued drugs, but those scenes of people turning into lizards and the nightmarish imagery and disorienting camera work, it all felt like how I viewed the world through twisted lens my mental health has given me.

So this naturally seems like where I can find inspiration for my story since I feel like I've been there. It has the feeling I was going for in my story as well and thus I'm at least a step closer.

My sister is a neurobiologist with an interest in the structural changes caused by trauma and helping people who have suffered it. She has spoken to me at great length about the research on trauma recovery. She finds the normalisation of porn involving invest, coercion and humiliation very concerning, because of their relation to and effect on trauma.

Now I don’t know enough to say that there isn’t a healthy way for some people to enjoy that sort of fantasy, and if someone can then all power to them - BUT - it is not kink shaming, discrimination or even rude to say that you are uncomfortable with it, not on board with it or that you’d prefer a space that was less focused on it. It’s science. Indisputable empirical fact.

Thank you. This is something I needed to hear, all of this message. I feel more motivated to do this than ever and that I'm not wrong for wanting to do things in the way I'm trying to do them. I feel... normal.

I've never really felt like I fit in until now, it's amazing. I feel like a weight's been lifted off of me. It's wonderful.

Thank you, I feel so much better about so many things.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

Love this, it makes me very happy. I think there are lots of us, we just tend to be the quiet ones
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

You have no idea how happy it makes me too. I feel the same way, we seem to be the quiet ones of this group and put up with this stuff fearing what will happen if we say anything.

Here's hoping nothing does.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
I am geniunely not surprized to read that. It seems to be somewhat of a prevalent pattern amid close online platform communities to passively embolder a groupthink-based subculture of hateful speech, cyberbullying and harmful trolling. I confided once myself about the stories of my rape and me being on the receiving end of multiple sexual abuses in a forum that has absolutely nothing to do with the F.A. online community, but boasts about being a "safe haven" for people of color online... and the first reaction from about a half-dozen of the thirty-and-so regular forum members out there was to keep victim blaming and p***sy-shaming me for now three or four months, partly for boldly speaking out than I, a black man, has been abused by other women when most men in the platform who showcases having undergone similar experiences done by either older acquaitances and full-grown adults toward them when they were minor or by a random stranger, girlfriend or wife in their later years, boastfully champion and laud about it as some sort of initiating badge of honor into "true" manliness.

I and a fewer like minded forum members has been straight up called "incels" and "virgins" or insinuated to be ugly, by both male members and even female members for calling something or criminally reprehensible and aberrant as such. And when some forum members were openly preaching about how it is okay to hit on 17 years teenage girls if they were full-figured, I get banned for a couple of days (it was initially intended to be permanent) for calling him out repeatedly about this... and I've seen the same exact toxic patterns here on FF and other forums as well. I'm not going to quote the troll's name, but he knows himself and a lot of people here knows who I am talking about: I adviced him it is never too late to call out the groomer and that it is better be before she might be tempted to start it again on a much influencable teenage boy.

This is why I was afraid to speak up in the first place, I grew up in a school where that was how people were. Rape was a humorous concept to the teenage boys that went there, even ones I was "friends" with.

Sexual harassment happened all the time there and no one cared. Boys used to play a game of fondling the genitals of another person. That's how messed up my school was.

I left there thinking this is just what the world is, and this is how people are like. Luckily I've been proven wrong but alas I still see that there are other schools like mine and those boys are now men.

I fear what they've done now that they have more freedom to be a menace.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
[...] as either too "alien" to comprehend contemporary human conceptions of morality, programmed/meant to do so no matter what, mis-guided by dissonant values upon retribution from pain with a bigger counterbalance, blinded by a God complex, being actual superior beings , plain evil/petty and sociopathic, wickedly nihilistic, psychopathic or downright seemingly coming out from the gallery of villains of an Hannibal Lecter novel trilogy or Stephen Hawkins tale. Even with stories who may borders with the edge of a transgressive romance or sexual tension between the perpretator/s and his victim/s, there has no pink glasses about the context: no matter what happens, the transformative punishment or reward is morally aberrant, sickening, uncomfortably pleasuring but most above all most oftentimes either criminally or metaphysically rephesensible .

The bullied high school-turned-avengeress who attempts to break the haughty hive queen of b*tches, the scorned ex-girlfriend or wife who greedily ruins the apparance of her former love interest's new lover for being badly treated over the sole crime of no longer being the looker she used to be, the insanely wealthy playboy who knows or how to sedutively coax his conquests into remolding them into whatever he wants, the ambitious businesswoman who uses her philanthropic ambassy and off-mesh "miracle" solutions against global famine to cover up her darkest kinky phantasms at the expense of a buraucratically and carnally exploited employee, the mad geniuses and magic users, and so on and forth... are all no heroes. Their deeds and exploits are extraordinarily arousing to the reader, although consistently followed by an aesop, a paragraphing subtext about their respective pathoses and hubrises and how none of them really ends up truly happy (and if they succeeds to do so, not without paying a heavy prize and enduring a bittersweet ending, sometimes at the expense of their very beings) .

You're welcome. It's sometimes healthy to just vent out. Forums nowadays seems from forgetting that was partly the raison d'etre of their creation: just venting.

Exactly, this is why it is necessary to show that they are the villain as otherwise you are just saying, "yeah this behavior is fine."

If I continued the housewife story, it was going to end with her eating the husband once he finally came home from work. Though still I felt that some people wouldn't see her as the good guy as I didn't and lost interest in her story as a result.

House-witches also had the witches say that the potion caused a person to become their true selves but still how does the reader know they aren't just saying that.

This is why I've been trying to make it so that their is no question about morals and also not have anything negative happen to ruin the erotic nature of it.

I'm not sure I've got it right just yet, but I'm working on it.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
You're welcome.

These news are very informative. A lot of people were speculating about how a plethora of themes in pornography are cognitively harmful for both young people and most viewers in general, but now it's proven to be empirically true.

Yes, this is quite harmful to have this in erotic fiction as it makes the reader begin to think that if it happens to them they should be more considerate of the transgressor as they were just trying to explore their fetish. Or that if one wants to be a transgressor then they are justified.

In my experience at least, that's how it makes me feel when I see it.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
[...] We found out the former one, a woman in her fresh forties, who reacted about this by giggling: to her, there had nothing wrong about having some girls "wooing" and "pursuing" us in this period of our lives and self-awareness about sexuality and romance and that we cannot blame a group of girls on hormones for finding us attractive and teasing. My friend said nothing, seeming compliant or rather preferring to tell nothing: as some readers may know, I was far much argumentative and combative toward what I would realize a decade later being one of those casual deflection-and-gaslight tactics, finding her judgment inappropriate and off-putting. I downright accused the girls of trying to rape us and that it was NOT okay, from which what the educator dryly and angrily retorted with a backhanded attitude that we fellow class boys, and most particularly I, were misplaced to judge the actions of those girls anyway when we spent our entire class breaks peeping from a distance after girls we never dared to make a step forward. As ensures the protocol, she later spoke about the story with our teacher and she casually shurgged it off.

Even at an young age, I somewhat knew deep inside down their judgement was harshly unfair and biased upon our gender. I didn't affected much our teacher/student relation, but I remember my defiance toward people's irrationally driven judgements and views when it comes about abuse and the abuser's sex started up right there. Time passing by didn't help.

And we're speaking about a school of decent reputation.

I've had nightmares like this, and I honestly can't remember how based in reality they might be as I've tried to forget most of that time and somehow succeeded. (I remembering growing up but barely any of the steps on the way there anymore, I eventually learned that selective amnesia is common in DID).

On the day I came home from being raped I told my mother, and she didn't even bother to look at me, she just ignored me.

I stormed off to my room and cried until I went to bathe. This is why I refer to her as "biological mother" now. She gave up being the later half of that word on that day.

In my nightmares this event has gone differently with her laughing in my face as I'm being chased by some of the boys in school who were threatening to do the deed.

I remember some teachers reacting to my behavior towards the boys as it was I who was being rude. I punched one on the shoulder once to get them to back off (now in my 20s and after having it happened, I don't think I could hold back from punching him in the face now), the teacher got onto to me and for both of us (after I said what he was up to) merely gave us a figurative slap on the wrist.

In my opinion this happens in every school around the world, but we're the only ones who survive AND speak up to talk about it. The others are withheld by those who remain silent (most likely in fear) or covered up by the system it happened within.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
What matters is that you can still notice the shortcomings of your storytelling and improves it in a way you see well-fitting.

Our conversation is giving me an idea. So far all I've got to describe my project is emotions, my emotions have been my guide to everything for it.

I've been looking into Gonzo journalism (writing a news story that is more about opinions and what you're doing as opposed to what you're supposed to be reporting one; ex. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was supposed to be an article for Sports Illustrated about the Mint 400 race but devolved into exploring the extensive drug use of it's author Hunter S. Thompson under the pseudonym Raoul Duke), and I thought about how it's focus on emotions and feeling rather than the story itself seems almost perfect for all that I have for my story since all I have is how things make me feel.

Of course, I'm not actually going to write a news article as I'm not a reporter, but I could write a story about someone trying to write a story and going on some crazy journey where they gain weight in researching it.

I could also have the entire events be ambiguous given the nature of how Gonzo journalism works (mixing fact and fiction into something unrecognizable as either).

With emotions as the driving force, the story could go anywhere I want it to. This is a story with erotic elements, but it's mostly a story about it's main character and narrator's decent into madness as they try to make story and end up becoming the story itself.

If I start going on a tangent in it about events in my own life and how they've messed me up, then so be it. If the lead commits vore and I don't justify then we can either write it off in the end as though perhaps it never happened, or I can keep the tension going by having her afraid the cops will show up sooner or later and end her fun soon enough (just as Fear and Loathing does).

Perhaps this is the answer I've been looking for and it's been in front of me this whole time.

My worry is that I'd be enabling those people we're talking about, or giving them erotica in ways I didn't for (letting them get turned on by the things they're not supposed to be turned on by) or just making them think that the trauma I've suffered has led to my fetish and thus giving them fodder to use against me or others in how they shaped who I am and I should be grateful to them when I'm not at all.

I think I've always been into big people, and what happened to me trauma-wise just made me question sexuality on everything more than I already did. It didn't help at all and they should not feel good about what they did to me, or plan to do to others. This has always been a big fear of mine going into this project.

I don't want to arm the enemy and i feel that by making a story that I'd be doing just that when it was never my intention.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

Actually my feeling tell em that's a horrible idea. Also it felt like I had said that I was going against everything we'd just talked about.

In my mind I thought I was saying that "What if I do this but showcase these things as bad, or something the bad guy does?"

Still doesn't work right and now that I got into writing the idea it just didn't work, but I do think I've figured out a way to write this and it not go horribly. At least, I hope so.
3 years

How can i find the inciting incident

John Smith:
God, you grew up in such a horrible place. It seems exactly like "Carrie" minus the supernatural aspect.

I feel so sorry for you for having such am excuse of parent. But I am glad you seem having evolved away from this mess by becoming somebody of pretty decent.

Thank you, I'm glad that I have too but sometimes I doubt that I am as decent as people claim.
3 years
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