Fat experiences

Who was thin and got fat

I was at 135ish for years and was pretty mindful of what I ate. All that went out the window when I met my boyfriend. Four years later I have gained over 100 lbs. There have been points I have tried to lose weight but I clearly haven’t had much luck.
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I am.

For many years I was a skinny guy, even anorexic, but in recent years, especially since 2018 when I started a new job that was less physical and included a lot of sitting, I started eating a lot more and also there was a cook woman in the office that used to cook and feed me regularly, so I gained a lot of weight. I grown to monstrous size, so now I'm not that skinny anymore 😋 but I really enjoy my new fat, rounded belly, wide butts and slightly feminine chest.

The feeder woman still there now, and my eatings habits has not changed, so now that I'm chubby I love myself more.
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I started out around 120lbs, but didn't really gain much at all for many years because I was more of a feeder type. I was actually toned, and very athletic. The thing is, spending more time around feedees and have multiple feedee girlfriends over the years, I ended up gaining some weight to around 180, and in my last relationship she basically properly pushed for me to actively gain, so the pounds rapidly piled on and I became obsessed with growing larger as all the body changes started to happen and I enjoyed them. It kind of hit me first when a friend had a bar for pull ups, and I used to be able to do many of them with ease, but when I tried it I could barely manage 1.

Anyway, after becoming single I just kept going and I really want to at least double my weight from when I properly started gaining (so around 360). I have to say though, looking back at the things I used to be able to do, I can't imagine being capable of a lot of them ever again. And interestingly, my actual interests have changed. I used to love hiking and adventuring, but some of those things seem really boring to me now - my passions drastically shifted as I've gotten fatter.
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I've pretty much always been skinny. I was a little chubby as an early teen. But, then I got sick and diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I've been pretty much underweight since then. Except for small bits of time here and there being on medications that caused weight gain. But that was lost once I stopped. Recently however I have actually been trying to gain. I started at about 145 and am not about 185-190ish. I hope to keep going and catch up to my wife who is a beautiful 300ish lbs. smiley
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

Captain Cake:
I started out around 120lbs, but didn't really gain much at all for many years because I was more of a feeder type. I was actually toned, and very athletic. The thing is, spending more time around feedees and have multiple feedee girlfriends over the years, I ended up gaining some weight to around 180, and in my last relationship she basically properly pushed for me to actively gain, so the pounds rapidly piled on and I became obsessed with growing larger as all the body changes started to happen and I enjoyed them. It kind of hit me first when a friend had a bar for pull ups, and I used to be able to do many of them with ease, but when I tried it I could barely manage 1.

i had a very similar experience. i was 150ish for most of my adult life until i started seeing my most recent ex. she persuaded or influenced me to take a break from all the working out and food denial... and it has stuck, even after we split up. now i am about 340 lbs.
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I've pretty much always been skinny. I was a little chubby as an early teen. But, then I got sick and diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I've been pretty much underweight since then. Except for small bits of time here and there being on medications that caused weight gain. But that was lost once I stopped. Recently however I have actually been trying to gain. I started at about 145 and am not about 185-190ish. I hope to keep going and catch up to my wife who is a beautiful 300ish lbs. smiley

I personally have Crohns myself and always struggled with my weight. Once someone explained it well.... we long for weight gain because it doesn't naturally happen with the disease. It makes this journey so much more rewarding!
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

Here’s to everyone’s success! :-)
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

Mee too!! I’ve gained so much over COVID
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was a tiny fit thing...then plumped up. Finally gave into my desire to gain... I've basically force fed myself constantly and have now gained 120lb in 8 months... don't plan on stopping any time soon 👀
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was a tiny fit thing...then plumped up. Finally gave into my desire to gain... I've basically force fed myself constantly and have now gained 120lb in 8 months... don't plan on stopping any time soon 👀

that's 8 and a half stone in 8 months

1 stone per month you got to tell me how you did that xxxxx
3 years
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