Fat experiences

Who was thin and got fat

I was thin before at 15 years old, 55kg with 1.73cm, then I went to 102kg with 180cm at 25 years old. Then at the age of 30 I got diabetes and I dropped to 78kg, and now at 36 I am at 87kg. My goal is to at least regain my 102kg while maintaining diabetes control.
I am clear that if I have to lose weight for health, it will be against my will, since I don't like it.
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

Started 60 kg and now I'm 135.

Plus du double, magique c'est magnifique ! Ça fait rêver. En combien de temps ?

Hey, love. Responses have to be in English. French is a pretty language, but since the mods only speak English, the delete anything that isn't.

Just a heads up.
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

Thin all my life, now getting chubby, though a few pounds short of overweight still. I've put on 15-20 pounds, mostly to belly but a surprising amount to moobs. No changes to lifestyle beyond a need for new clothes, but now I have a noticeable belly in any pose and it's fun to play around with. It's exciting, I like it!
1 year

Who was thin and got fat


Me. Only started gaining weight into adulthood and have yo yo'd since my first deliberate wg in early 2002.
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

I was skinny for years. At university a few girls even turned me down saying they’d be interested if I bulked up.

Then I got muscular, and women preferred that. But I always wondered if I came back from the summer fat instead and what their reactions would’ve been.
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

I used to be pretty thin, but married live has resulted in both my husband and me gaining and really enjoying it. We both just love to eat, and we also both unexpectedly loved the bellies we have grown as a result
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

I was around 55-60kg in high school.
My lowest weight as an adult was 52kg, 19BMI.
I’m now 82kg, 30BMI
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

You look very cute!
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

Thank you ☺️ I used to think I had to be skinny to be desirable, it’s good to know otherwise
1 year

Who was thin and got fat

Back at the start of high school I was about a hundred and thirty pounds. I even had sunken cheeks. By the time I graduated I was two hundred and forty pounds. A hundred and ten pound gain. And I was happier.
1 year