
European super league

I see where many people are coming from if theres no firewall on capital deployment from the ESL ie the additional income will create significant inequality in the EPL.

I'm currently in Barcelona and it seems less of an issue with more of a calm division in opinion I guess that's because Barna is owned by the season ticket holders and not by a corporate body and the fact there are basically 2 big teams in the whole of Spain both of which are joining the ESL.

Surely the potential brand valuation gap and the fact the ESL is functioning like a cartel almost as it is a closed set with no oversight does make this a potential govt issue as there may be a competition question in the future.

I agree it is like a cartel! I think part of the sporting outage also comes from what makes them the big 6. They aren't the best 6 teams in the country at the moment, and there are far more teams that have far more history in Europe. I'm a West Ham fan living in Leicester, those two teams should both qualify for the champions league this season, so for the likes of Arsenal and Spurs who are near the middle of the table to say they deserve the right to always be in this superleague, it takes the micky big time.

The thing I'm trying to figure out here, is whether the FA, UEFA or even FIFA can exclude them and if so what effect will this have on those teams going forward. Fro example, there has been some sabre rattling about ESL membership disqualifying teams from UEFA club competitions. If so will the decrease in exposure and revenue offset the potential gain from joining the league. Further to this, will the players suffer as they could end up in a situation where their clubs aren't recognized for national squad selection.

Finally, does anyone reckon that the chairmen/owners of the teams involved in ESL have a greater strategy given the risks of alienation and hence becoming reliant solely on the ESL and essentially becoming a sort of separate sport.

You've hit the nail on the head, a lot of the sanctions will be around not being able to compete in their own domestic leagues, and players being banned from the Euro's and World Cup.

I do think that this is the first attempted step to create a league/change the game of football to make it suitable for American and Asian audiences. If this goes ahead, those clubs will become franchises like NFL teams. No link to the fans, playing a game optimised to make money from foreign fans, playing games everywhere but their home ground.

So Manchester City and Chelsea are not joining. dead in the water?

Completely dead, but the fight isn't over, now we are in the post mortem we can't let this ever rear its ugly head again. Part of that needs to be reforming how football club ownership works.

(Edited due to technical issues first time I posted, and removed some of the earlier quotes due to character limits).[/quote]

Looks like a longer running saga. I fly back to the UK tomorrow, but clearly Madrid arent against if and it really seems that neither are Barna fans as I guess it's the season ticket holders that profit from it.

I've never seen a game, but I do know a couple of people in the industry and I'd imagine theres a lot of division over the idea. I wonder if EPL teams were ownd by the fans if it would be seen by such a terrible thing by the UK founding teams' fans. I cant imagine that Manchester Liverpool Chelsea etc fans would mind ass much if it were equitable.
3 years
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