
Pros of getting fat?

I’m kinda curious of this too, because it seems like life would be more difficult. Difficult to move around, clothes don’t fit anymore, unnecessary judgement, expensive to buy tons of food. What kinds of pros come with being all big and fat, slow and heavy.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

I love having more fat on my body personally, I’m not too big yet but I love that I’m so out of shape doing anything. I love that I can feel all my new weight jiggle and how much softer I am now. I love stuffing myself with food and noticing my belly get bigger each time. It’s great feeling fatter each time you have sex, and your partner having to accommodate your size. I love thinking about how people are noticing I’m looking a lot more plump and round, watching my ass wobble as I get up to get another snack. Of course, there’s cons too but I just wanted to talk about the pros
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

Getting fat make you looked healthy and free to eat everything you want, and getting thicker gives you more womanly shape
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

I was always very shy; the typical wallflower. After gaining 100+ pounds over the years, I am now much more confident. Even if I wanted to be a wallflower, my body makes its presence known as I move through a room.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

for me it was getting fat that eventually allowed me (to give myself) the freedom to eat without second guessing... indulge in what i want, when i want, how much i want. just accept the pleasure of food, of flavour, of texture, of taste - without any guilt or worry.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

As I've gotten fatter, I've gotten more confident with my body! Happier as well. I really am turning into a jolly fat guy lmao. Also, being slower and more out of shape forces me to relax. And, of course, I feel a lot sexier, especially when my body jiggles. It's so much nicer to eat all I want, whenever I want, than feel guilty about it. After all, I like being fat! Why not eat that second bowl of ice cream?
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

I am a little surprised I have not seen this answer or an answer like it. For me, the details are just details. Yes, being fat comes with unnecessary and unpleasant judgments. Yes, being fat also comes with and as a result of being able to eat whatever you want whenever you want. But the real reason - the real "pro" is because I am fat. I do not mean I am a tautology, I mean my identity is a fat man. The way I hear people talk about identifying a certain way, feeling that a certain body or gender or sexuality is right or correct or aligned for them resonates with me. I feel like I am supposed to be really really fat.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

People are more comfortable around you, making admissions about themselves while not seeing you as their competition.
The envy/anger some feel when you attract more people than they do.
Returning that look of pity some give seeing you struggle out a cab/taxi, while walking past those who hate being on the gym treadmill sweating bullets.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

The main advantage is that I eat without care, if I fancy junk food I get it.

Although I'm not as fat as I'd like to be yet.
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

The CONSTANT arousal as I get bigger...and stuff get bigger...all that sexy jiggling... I've never been more horny-but-satisfied in my life!
3 years
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