
When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

This is by far the million calorie question asked by so many of you.

This is my situation

I'm almost 18 stone (248 pounds) and I'm 5"6 so not so tall but that's ok, being shorter makes it easier to look fat and round but anyway.

In my life the people who know about my big fat fetish (which is most of my friends and family) have often asked "when will you be big enough" and "when will you be happy with yourself" and when you get there and wish to stop gaining "what if you have problems because of your weight what then"

Well it's a damn hard question but at the moment I'd like to reach 20 stone (280 pounds) and at that weight I know I'd be the most confident and sexiest' I ever felt

But what happens after I finally get there?

Well I guess I'll just hope I don't get any bigger because I don't want problems with my back and legs or anything else weight related but If I did get bigger I'd probably like it even more and be ever more confident and sexy

So the chance of me doing a hard diet to lose the weight is out of the question because that's a shit way to live lets be honest lol

But what if I end up with weight related problems what then?

My older brother had this problem last year when he got to 26 and a half stone but he never wanted to be fat in the first place (or did he? I'll never know he never talks about anything to anyone)

As high as my IQ is I honestly don't know smiley

I hate being in pain but to lose my fat and power that makes me so happy well I'd never live it down so I guess I'd just drink more alcohol and carry on xx
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

Ahaha I laughed out loud to that last bit. Sounds like a meme.

I have a Science/Medical background...also just stuffed myself up to fatter than you...120lb in 8 months. I'm a 5'1 woman, & not out as FA!

If you encounter "weight related health problems", address the actual issue. If you become diabetic - eat foods that don't spike your blood sugars. Gorge yourself on healthy fats. Keep moving around, even just gentle exercise to support your joints.

Any doctor that tells you that you have a problem that can only be helped by losing weight is probably incompetent and judgemental (in my opinion, sorry).

I bet you'd look so hot at your goal weight!

Keep communicating with this community. Often people here have faced and successfully rolled over hurdles. We got ya, buddy!
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

Thank you for your reply so soon xx

Most days I eat pretty healthy meals (just big amounts of it lol)

I eat a variety of protein and complex carb meals.

One of my favorites is chicken and potato and vegetable stews (no oil)

Curry and rice is another one I love to eat, sometimes me and my partner cook curry from scratch in a slow cooker with no oil and sometimes we order it from the take away, we've having home made curry tonight actually.

I also love stir fry's with a little oil lol

When I was 14 years old I wanted to be a sumo wrestler so I could be over 20 stone and know that I was healthy because of all the training.

It's just a shame I'm in England and theirs no where to train here in that sport

Now and again I will go out and have a big desert but then again I don't know a fat sexy person who doesn't do that lol

I loved what you said about how doctors pin every problem on weight, their just copying what they were taught in university or they just don't like fat happy people, probably because they wished they could be fat and happy instead of being under restrictions all the time.
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

william keay:
Thank you for your reply so soon xx

Most days I eat pretty healthy meals (just big amounts of it lol)

I eat a variety of protein and complex carb meals.

One of my favorites is chicken and potato and vegetable stews (no oil)

Curry and rice is another one I love to eat, sometimes me and my partner cook curry from scratch in a slow cooker with no oil and sometimes we order it from the take away, we've having home made curry tonight actually.

I also love stir fry's with a little oil lol

When I was 14 years old I wanted to be a sumo wrestler so I could be over 20 stone and know that I was healthy because of all the training.

It's just a shame I'm in England and theirs no where to train here in that sport

Now and again I will go out and have a big desert but then again I don't know a fat sexy person who doesn't do that lol

I loved what you said about how doctors pin every problem on weight, their just copying what they were taught in university or they just don't like fat happy people, probably because they wished they could be fat and happy instead of being under restrictions all the time.

That all sounds amazing! Curse the pandemic and not being able to move to Japan (I assume!)

Being very fat can be a side effect or correlation, but often isn't the absolute cause of problems.

I loved the story about you wanting to be a sumo at 14yo - were there other signs before that?

Have a drink on me and shake that expanding belly, m'lady!
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

Before I was 14 I loved being fat when I was 10 I just never knew why.

I will shake my belly lol
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

william keay:
I will shake my belly lol

Excellent. Do.
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

william keay:
This is by far the million calorie question asked by so many of you.

This is my situation

I'm almost 18 stone (248 pounds) and I'm 5"6 so not so tall but that's ok, being shorter makes it easier to look fat and round but anyway.

In my life the people who know about my big fat fetish (which is most of my friends and family) have often asked "when will you be big enough" and "when will you be happy with yourself" and when you get there and wish to stop gaining "what if you have problems because of your weight what then"

Well it's a damn hard question but at the moment I'd like to reach 20 stone (280 pounds) and at that weight I know I'd be the most confident and sexiest' I ever felt

But what happens after I finally get there?

Well I guess I'll just hope I don't get any bigger because I don't want problems with my back and legs or anything else weight related but If I did get bigger I'd probably like it even more and be ever more confident and sexy

So the chance of me doing a hard diet to lose the weight is out of the question because that's a shit way to live lets be honest lol

But what if I end up with weight related problems what then?

My older brother had this problem last year when he got to 26 and a half stone but he never wanted to be fat in the first place (or did he? I'll never know he never talks about anything to anyone)

As high as my IQ is I honestly don't know smiley

I hate being in pain but to lose my fat and power that makes me so happy well I'd never live it down so I guess I'd just drink more alcohol and carry on xx

lol, your last comment sums up my strategy pretty much. smiley

once you get to a certain size, and become accustomed to the larger appetite, it can be hard to slow down or stop - that is what i am experiencing right now. i think it has more to do with lifestyle than anything, and if you can maintain a healthy lifestyle of staying active, that should balance out the extra calories you are consuming. for me, working from home for the last 14 months has taken a big toll on my physical fitness, but i am still normally not experiencing any significant pain or discomfort from my increased size.

words of wisdom from my gf (who is much smarter than i): "why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?" smiley
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

words of wisdom from my gf (who is much smarter than i): "why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?" smiley

Aw, thank you! smiley
3 years