Extreme obesity

Supersized men

Hi!! My latest experiences with an obese man introduced me to the supersized men kink! I really loved his fat hanging gut, the added difficulties, his lack of stamina, his poor endurance all of that really drove me crazy with desire!! I wonder if some of you experienced naughty moments with even more fatter men, like ssbhm or superchub?
2 years

Supersized men

Yes. It’s why I fatten men for a living
2 years

Supersized men

How long does it take to become bed bound? I know once you feed them to this point, there is no going back. Constrained and limited to the bed, pounds would gather quickly.
2 years

Supersized men

How long does it take to become bed bound? I know once you feed them to this point, there is no going back. Constrained and limited to the bed, pounds would gather quickly.

I prefer them slightly mobile i think... Seeing them struggle as much as i do, or even more to get around is really arousing!!!
2 years

Supersized men

I would really like to meet an immobile guy someday. Just 800+ pounds of pure fat to please.
2 years

Supersized men

I love it when they are so fat, they can’t get it up anymore.
2 years

Supersized men

I am there. I can get hard when masturbating sometimes, but not able to perform. That's okay though because sex is a calorie burner.

Now I just need to be able too get big to even reach it.
2 years

Supersized men

I love it when they are so fat, they can’t get it up anymore.

Yes! Or to fat to have penetrative sex. I love the slow degradation of function and by the time it happens it will be to late.
2 years

Supersized men

Supersized men are best men.
I find that an already cute guy only gets cuter with extra chins and a belly that refuses to be sucked in..
2 years

Supersized men

I love it when they are so fat, they can’t get it up anymore.

I love this thought as well. I am almost there. And having a woman who is aroused by it is even better.
2 years
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