
Fattening speed

How long did it take you to grow to your size?
2 years

Fattening speed

It has taken me about three years.
2 years

Fattening speed

A couple of years. I have a tendency to stress non-eat, which slows down my gains. Last year I lost about 35 lbs from not eating and activity. I’ve only gained back about 8 lbs.
2 years

Fattening speed

I have gone from relatively in shape 206 lbs. at 5'11" tall to this mornings 233 lbs. with a 48" waist.

I have been deliberately gaining since I retired from the military reserves in 2013.
That being said, I'm nearly 50 lbs. heavier than I was when I married my wife.
I have found gaining weight is easier as a person ages. I'm amazed how fast I can gain lately. The quarantine helped put on around 15 lbs. Also being older, gaining weight is far more socially acceptable.
2 years

Fattening speed

1995 - 140
2001 - 165
2008 - 197
2016 - 216
2020 - 230
2021 - 245

Averaging 4 pounds per year doesn't seem like much...
2 years

Fattening speed

I have gained 40 lbs in the last 3 or 4 months it’s crazy lol i Used to be 215 and i got down to 165 at my lowest and I’m up to 227 this morning
2 years