Clothes padding

Longest you've ever gone padded up?

2 days for me. Just an Saturday and Sunday. It's rare for me to have several days to myself. If I was living alone, I would definitely stay padded at home 100% of the time. I was thinking about talking to my girlfriend about the fetish so I can do it more freely, but I think she would leave me if she knew. 😞
1 year

Longest you've ever gone padded up?

During COVID I was home alone for months. I spend many consecutive days padded, 5 or 6. I was padded to 100 inches around. I waddled to the kitchen to prepare food. I was so big, I had strategically placed chairs around the house so I could stop and sit. I found a way to urinate into a container while padded, I did need to remove the padding for other business. I was joining work meetings daily, without camera on, of course. It was truly amazing, living like a barely mobile, super obese person for days and months.
4 months

Longest you've ever gone padded up?

Last night, actually, from about 11pm to 5am, with the padding I have described in another thread. Dang, it felt good to wake up to a huge butt and laying against it.
2 months
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