Lifestyle tips


My girlfriend just told me she want to become immobile has wanted to for years but only just told me know we have both been gaining and ask if I could become almost immobile but fully as she say I would still have to be able to got to the shop any advice would be amazing
2 years


I think you should both gain together slowly and see how you feel as you go along. Your girlfriend may reach a point where she is heavy enough or decide she loves being taken care of by you and really does want to see what it would be like to be fat and totally dependent on someone else. Take your gaining slowly, talk about her immobility fantasies and enjoy the experience together. I must admit I would love to have this kind of experience.
2 years


As previously mentioned by John Smith, this is probably not a very good idea. If you are near immobile there are plenty of scenarios where you could accidentally immobilize yourself. If that happens, you’ll both be screwed pretty badly. Especially if you don’t have a nurse already. Not to mention, at that level taking care of her and doing all of your daily tasks by yourself will be extremely stressful on you. My best advice would be to not go past morbid obesity or to only go through with your original plan if you have a nurse or caretaker secured before you reach that stage.
2 years


Before you commit to immobility, or doing that for someone else, why not one of you volunteer or work at a nursing home? I'm not gonna say it's a bad idea, but it could be an interesting project, improve the lives of the elderly in your care, and give you both training and understanding of what it actually takes to be or care for someone in that position.
It takes either a lot of strength, great machines, or a well trained patient to get someone "too fat to get up" bathed, changed, and turned, and I do not believe most people could simply start at it without injuring themselves or their partner immediately.
2 years


Thank you all so much

We have both worked in a care home that’s actually how we meet and with out me know it if was working there when she know she wanted to become immobile which I am fine with but taking on what you have all pointed out it could become dangerous if I become also immobile as we don’t have the money for someone to take care of us so we have agreed that she will become immobile and I will be careful with my gain so I can still be fully mobile thank u all
2 years