Submission and domination


I’m a fat pig and a loser, I’m stupid, I’m a short fat stupid loser pig. I lost my job because my company knows how stupid I am and what a loser.

No, I’m not any of those things but it was fun to say, and got me with a boner. 🤣🤣🤣 Ok, so I’m short and fat, and proud. 😉 I actually lost my job due to covid, my job was eliminated. I actually got a lot of respect, my former coworkers tell me they miss having me around and having fun.

Anyone else do that, humiliate themselves? I always took it particularly badly to be teased, mocked or made fun of for anything. But now I actually kind of like it.
2 years


Yes! All those. I think about being fat-shamed and humiliated in public by total strangers. I like the idea. Y’know, I’m eating a couple of ice creams, pastries, and or cakes in public and I see looks and hear whispers like “he sure doesn’t need that, what greedy hog, no wonder he so fat”. And they have to call me a fat loser and make allusions to my sexual practices. It’s all the better if they know I heard them. Wow, this is a new level of kink for me. 😁
2 years


I definitely have moods like this. It’s something I like to visit more than live in tho.

From a regular partner that I’m around a lot I want compliments and praise for being fat and getting fatter… and prefer compliments for being a dumb pretty toy. Where they love having me on their arm and showing me off…

But from occasional play partners I like the harsher humiliation. Where they would be embarrassed to be seen with me. That they find me disgusting and unworthy and just get off on being abusive and I deserve it for being so fat and ugly.

I don’t exactly like mixing the two with the same person.

Maybe if they said something like other people think I’m a fat filthy cow but they think I’m beautiful and irresistible… that’d be hot.

Sorry I got so caught up thinking about it… I forgot my point about doing it to oneself… Oops! Dummy!
2 years