
Unexpected aspects of getting fat/fatter

For me with my thickening midsection is was the sensation of my body jiggling when I walked. I had in my head before what it would be like, but the actuality is different from what I expected. Like my upper chest going up and down kind of tires me out more than I though it would, my sides and lower belly shake in all directions slightly. It really puts in perspective why when we get larger it's harder to work out. Like I almost want to go on a run just to feel how my body moves, then hit up a buffet after lol.

One smaller thing is just how when one day I realized my stomach became squishy even though I feel it everyday. It just hit a point and I was like oh, there it is
2 years

Unexpected aspects of getting fat/fatter

I still run, though I have gained nearly thirty pounds in the last few years. I really feel the weight when I bend down to tie shoes, etc. I almost get out of breath.

I have to admit I love the view in the mirror of my increasing girth!
2 years