
Abilify weight gain

I was curious if anyone had the weight gain side effect of Abilify and how it affected them cause I just got put on it
2 years

Abilify weight gain

2 years

Abilify weight gain

Zyprexa is usually the worst. My partner gained about 30 lbs in one month on the lowest dosage available and was never able to lose the extra weight afterwards.

Oh I remember taking around two pills of that every day between the ages of 12 and 16.

Boy what a wonderful (sarcasm) teenage years I had.
2 years

Abilify weight gain

I was on abilify for a few months and I gained about 15 lbs. I didn’t notice a change in my appetite but my weight kept creeping up. That was a few years ago.

I have recently been on zyprexa and it has been so helpful but it has made me so hungry and I keep gaining weight. Probably doesn’t help that my boyfriend is always encouraging me with food.
2 years

Abilify weight gain

Oh right, My therapist at the time was prescribing me zyprexa, prozac and a similar thing that we had to import to cure my "brain" and help anxiety.

The worst effects were extreme mood swings, mostly towards depression and anger, and a overdevelopment of estrogen which of course made me gain weight or bloat like a balloon for no reason, and delayed my puberty for several years.

Looking back maybe that's why I got into this kink and why I never saw it as sexual in my life since I'm a late bloomer.
2 years