
What does rabid gaining feel like

I'm curious on what people feel when they gain weight really quick, like 20 lbs in a month or more. I've put on some weight the past couple weeks quickly and I've feel like my skin is stretching in some spots so I was wondering if fast gainers have similar feelings
2 years

What does rabid gaining feel like

Back during the lockdowns last spring, I decided to see how much weight I could gain in 30 days. I ate a minimum of 6,000 calories every single day, and I ended the month 23 pounds heavier than when I started. I honestly don't recall having any skin discomfort, but it was such a thrill to stuff myself constantly and feel my belly getting fatter by the day. I'd love to do it again if I had time.
2 years

What does rabid gaining feel like

It must be hard with the foaming of the mouth.
2 years

What does rabid gaining feel like

It must be hard with the foaming of the mouth.

Lol this has been up for a few days now and I just noticed the typo because of you. Thanks 😅
2 years