

Okay, but like, I get drunk and wanna gain, like, 400000000000000 lbs. My regular limit is probably around 400 lbs because I want to maintain mobility while being as fat as possible. Anyone else have that? Where drunk they could be as fat as the universe if allowed, but sober, you've got obligations to be at least mobile?

Also sorry for typos if there are any. I am actively drunk now 😋😋🐽🥰🥴
Oky but the liggy emoji is cuuuute 🐷🐷🐷 oink oink lol i wish someone would just fatten me up for fun dor 2 weeks then plop me off at my apartment xDdd I should get a scalr, but now all my slightly bigger pants fit, and I'm like fuck the scale, I'll just outgrow my pants instead lol
2 years


LOL! This is a riot. 😂❤️

Personally, when I'm drunk I tend to eat *less* and not really think about gaining. But when I'm a little high? That's a bit of a different story when I get the munchies! 😁 All be told, I eat the MOST when I'm horny. 😂🤣🍩🌮🥧
2 years


I feeeel that! I only have been high once (I had an allergic reaction), but those munchies hit HARD af!!! I guess that's why some people use that good kush to have an appetite, but damn, that sure is an appetite!
2 years


I feeeel that! I only have been high once (I had an allergic reaction), but those munchies hit HARD af!!! I guess that's why some people use that good kush to have an appetite, but damn, that sure is an appetite!

Sorry to hear you had a bad reaction. 😢 Now that it's legal (in 🇨🇦) we can order online and it gets delivered to our door. As I get older I can't drink as much as when I was in my 20s, so it's a nice combo of the two. Also, I can't eat a lot with a hangover. I call it sewer gut. LOL! There have been a couple of very serious munchie sessions for sure.

But I can get the most STUFFED when I'm clear-headed and with a healthier feeling, ready stomach. But that's just me, others' mileage may vary! 😁
2 years


I want to eat much more, but my capacity is so little right now. And after this weekend, I'll be needing to maintain my weight for about two months. So I'm gonna try to exercise more to drive up my appetite and eat more while working it to my current weight. Then I'll just stop exercising it off and just pack on the excess calories! In theory, it sounds like a good idea, but I'm hoping it is in practice as well 😅
2 years