
Weight gain on celexa/citalopram

Has anyone experienced this?

I recently got prescribed 10 mg citalopram daily (generic version of celexa) for anxiety and depression. Online, I've read weight gain is a common side effect. Like a slow creeping gain and increase in appetite. But also rarely I've seen stories of decreased appetite

I was curious what your experiences were!!!!

Has it helped any of you gain weight?

I'm on day 3 of taking it. Honestly my mouth keeps preparing to salivate, as if the most delicious meal were in front of me and I were starving. But once I start eating I'm not hungry for long. It's more a feeling of just wanting to shove everything in my mouth, like a mix of both horny and hungry

What are your stories????
2 years

Weight gain on celexa/citalopram

I was curious what your experiences were!!!!

Has it helped any of you gain weight?


What are your stories????

My story’s hella boring: on it for years (2000s, at 5 mg i think), and a big ol’ nothing.

Important: these years were post-surgery for (basically) a hole in my small intestine well on its way to killing me via sepsis. They had to remove about 14 cm of my small intestine, so i more or less had weigh-loss surgery without ever needing it.

I’d been on other SSRI antidepressants before that profoundly major illness and surgery. All of them including the citalopram had side effects, none of which were weight gain or loss, in my case.

Also relevant: i’ve always been an average-slender “can eat anything and not get fat” body type/genetics (this despite a number of fat relatives and a supersized uncle).

Hoping the citalopram works better for you than it did for me for your depression and anxiety. Of the SSRIs i was prescribed it was the least-worst, but that’s not saying much. I’ve had better success with 5-HTP (early on), SAMe (now), plus consuming fewer processed foods and more fermented foods to improve my intestinal microbiome.

Best Healing and Fattening Wishes!
2 years

Weight gain on celexa/citalopram

not me, but someone i know.

they had anxiety related weight loss before being put on it. they gained back the weight they lost and then 80lbs.

theyre not into this lifestyle, so they want to lose it. but no matter what they eat or what they do it seems to stick to them.
2 years