
Older people with this fetish

I’ve just been really curious lately about the history(?) of this fetish, I’m not sure exactly but I think about how isolated I can feel sometimes despite having websites like this and Feabie, along with a body positivity movement that has made insane strides while I’ve been alive, and it makes me wonder about people who had this fetish pre-fantasy feeder and even pre internet. Idk, but if anyone wants to speak on it feel free.

Far better than my earlier yammering may be going to original sources. NAAFA has been scanning and re-posting their historic newsletters as PDFs. October 1970 appears to be the earliest that’s up, and as of this message December 1989 the newest.

These should be free for anyone to access. My membership lapsed over a decade ago.
2 years

Older people with this fetish

Before the Internet, and when I was single, I would use the print dating ads, and just say that I was looking for someone overweight. Later, BBW magazine had a "Friendship Express," where fat people and admirers could hook up.
2 years

Older people with this fetish

Find Ned Sonntag if you can.

Original NAAFA member and wealth of knowledge.
2 years
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