Fat experiences

Gaining to help s/o feel better about gaining unwanted weight

My fiance has been self conscious about her weight gain, she went from 125 to 170 over a year. While she gained I went from 175 to 200. While I gained mostly just because I want to be fat, part of my motivation was to help her not feel bad being the only one that got fat. Now with her being 5' 2" and me 6" she definitely got a lot more bigger than me.

Now she is trying to lose and im still gaining. I feel like me gaining did help with her self consciousness because she has mentioned how we both are out of shape and doesn't feel like I went out of her league. Though now I'm wondering how things will change when she loses 20 lbs and I gain 30 eventually.

But for now it makes me feel better knowing that me getting a bigger belly helps the one I love feel more comfortable. Anybody else have a similar situation?
2 years

Gaining to help s/o feel better about gaining unwanted weight

I've seen/heard of households where someone unintentionally gains weight while someone else successfully loses lbs.

It's commendable that you're doing it intentionally to comfort her self-esteem struggles, though I would usher a word of caution to stay within the 'dad bod' stage.

Not everyone has healthy enough self-esteem to deal with dating someone, some would no longer consider 'hot' or a 'trophy'. Some prefer opposites attract and not feeling 'fat on fat' etc. Slippery slope.
2 years