Lifestyle tips

Girl friend wants to gain weight

Okay so, i have this girl friend who weights at 110 lbs, she is 5'4 and she is pretty active, she is actually underweight and wants to gain, maybe even become fat, the problem is that she has an extremly fast metabolism that makes it hard for her to gain weight, I wonder if someone here can give me tips to slow down her metabolism and ways for her to gain weight
2 years

Girl friend wants to gain weight

First, she will have to force herself to become less active, use the elevator s instead of the stairs, seat more and take transportation instead of walking anywhere. Secondly, she need to enlarge the portions of food she eat.

Once she start to eat more it will take time to gain, but in time she will slow her metabolism.
2 years

Girl friend wants to gain weight

There are not many metabolisms that can stand up to heavy eating indefinitely. If she can develop a taste for rich food, frequent snacking, and occasionally really stuffing herself, she may find the weight starting to creep on.
2 years

Girl friend wants to gain weight

Okay so, i have this girl friend who weights at 110 lbs, she is 5'4 and she is pretty active, she is actually underweight and wants to gain, maybe even become fat, the problem is that she has an extremly fast metabolism that makes it hard for her to gain weight, I wonder if someone here can give me tips to slow down her metabolism and ways for her to gain weight
Yes That is a good approach. Also you can go with zero carbs for like a month or more, then just carbs for a month or so. Do a few cycles of this and you should be able to nicely recalibrate you metabolism.
She can try alternating between heavily restricting her food intake for a while and then overeating for a while. It's the most effective way to screw up your metabolism.

She'll lose weight during the restrictive periods but when she'll start eating again her body will greedily hold on to EVERY CALORIE.

Trust me, that's how I (involuntarily) doubled my weight since I started treatment for my anorexia.

I don't know if it's makes a difference, but I'm a sugar junkie and can eat granola for every meal if no one is around to cook for me. And big bowls, too (you know, when there is milk left in the bowl so you add a little granola and then you put too much and it's dry so you add a little milk but then... you get the idea).

Granola is so dense in calories, I wish I didn't love it so much...
2 years

Girl friend wants to gain weight

Okay so, i have this girl friend who weights at 110 lbs, she is 5'4 and she is pretty active, she is actually underweight and wants to gain, maybe even become fat, the problem is that she has an extremly fast metabolism that makes it hard for her to gain weight, I wonder if someone here can give me tips to slow down her metabolism and ways for her to gain weight

She can try alternating between heavily restricting her food intake for a while and then overeating for a while. It's the most effective way to screw up your metabolism.

She'll lose weight during the restrictive periods but when she'll start eating again her body will greedily hold on to EVERY CALORIE.

Trust me, that's how I (involuntarily) doubled my weight since I started treatment for my anorexia.

I don't know if it's makes a difference, but I'm a sugar junkie and can eat granola for every meal if no one is around to cook for me. And big bowls, too (you know, when there is milk left in the bowl so you add a little granola and then you put too much and it's dry so you add a little milk but then... you get the idea).

Granola is so dense in calories, I wish I didn't love it so much...

That sounds more like a binge eating disorder than a way to get urself eat more. Its a really messed up method. I mean if u want to get unhealthy fast - it works. Otherwise this method will only lead to disordered eating habits. As you said "treatment from ana.." aka u wouldve need real support and to meet with professionals in order to avoid developing BED.

On top of that eating little and then slowly upping the intake is more stable than starvation and binging.
Theres only so much a human body can handle at one go - once weight goes up u need more to even keep urself at the weight u currently are.
2 years