Lifestyle tips

Unique patient identifiers (upis) approching approval in usa

Thanks for posting this. Contacting my congresscritters has in the past been a “talk to the hand” exercise in futility, so that may or may not happen. I’m quite sure mine will be in favor of this, no matter what a mere voting citizen like me might want.

Looks like another way to push “unwanteds” out further to the margins of society. Thankfully i already have years of practice with that, having needed to escape One Size Fits Some sick– um, health care decades ago.

While i’m typing, Welcome Back! I was pretty much exclusively here for looking at pictures from FF’s 2003 founding through the early 20-teens, so i may have missed your presence last time around. (Not remembering the 2-years’-disuse account expiry policy here, my first account got vaporized.)
2 years

Unique patient identifiers (upis) approching approval in usa

2 years