Extreme obesity

Fat genetics

I often wonder what the result would be if you got two people that gained weight easily and were supersized together and they had kids. Would the kids gain even easier and be bigger🤔
2 years

Fat genetics

The genetics are there in both parents so I would think the possibilities are high.
2 years

Fat genetics

Any volenteers to test this? Lol
2 years

Fat genetics

This has been thoroughly documented in the literature. Tons of American studies illustrating this.
2 years

Fat genetics

I would also say that it's not only genetics, but the environment and eating habits are stronger determinants as to whether children become obese or not.

My father is overweight and my mother is morbidly obese, but my brother and I are quite thin. However, my parents pushed us to eat healthy meals and to exercise. Our school also promoted a healthy lifestyle, even soda machines were banned. We had to pass a fitness test every year as well.

Now, I'm trying to gain, but it's quite hard to overcome those ingrained habits. The typical fattening food is hard for me to stomach. Heavy cream has been quite helpful though. Right now, I'm trying to increase my capacity and eat more healthy foods, so it'll be a while until I get to my goal weight.

As a side note, I have often met obese individuals with skinny parents. More often than not, if they were overweight/obese as children it was because of poor eating habits that their parents either knowingly or unknowingly encouraged. For example, some people I knew would just eat condiments as a regular snack because their parents didn't feed them enough or just weren't home to cook dinner and that was all they could prepare because they were too young to use the stove.
2 years

Fat genetics

I think it would be interesting to see what the result would be if you factored in environmental and genetic factors. Would you get an even bigger person? How easily would they gain?
2 years