Fat experiences

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

Since the start of the pandemic I've gained about 15lbs, which on my 6'4 frame isn't really noticeable at all when I'm wearing clothes, especially since a lot of it went to my hips, butt, and thighs. I'm just curious how much you were able to gain before anyone made comments or otherwise indicated that they had noticed.
I'm more interested in gaining for how it feels rather than looks, so I consider the stopping point (at least for the moment) to be when that happens.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

I started gaining being thin at 185lbs, after gaining 20lbs people started commenting.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

For me the first comment came after 20-30 lbs when I was between 200-210 lbs.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

due to hormonal issues, I've been a variety of weights over my life time. However this past time I'd gained weight, it took gaining about 50 lbs for anyone to really take notice. kind of incredible to think about, since you'd think people would start noticing earlier.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

Hi guys, I went from 170 lbs to 215 in the last 4 months.
First time ever I’m fat..
Im just at the airport going to visit my family that I didn’t saw since march.. 😬
Let’s see what they gonna say..
As long as they don’t see me without tshirt! Haha
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

it is weird how early on it feels like such an impact... going from 160 to 190 made me feel *massive* but this year i have gone from 350 to 380 and it hasn't felt as significant.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

For people you see often, they find it harder to notice these things. My first case was when I moved away from home and hadn't seen my direct family for about 6 months. I'd out on a lot of weight in a short time and my parents were pretty shocked when they saw me. But friends who I've seen regularly never really notice.

One time a year or two back I was looking at old pictures online and a family member saw one of me from years ago and in shock said "Oh my god you've really put on a LOT of weight!" Without thinking about it, and that was a fun reaction.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

when my mom told me i was getting a dad bod, i had gained bout 40 pounds, now after gaining bout 60 more no comments lol
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

Once I arrived at 155 pounds at the height of 5'3, almost everyone that I knew alluded to how I looked like I had been eating well. Some said chubby, and others simply pointed out my pronounced double chin.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

I don't know when people noticed specifically because everyone I know is too polite to really say anything. But I think one of my coworkers was trying to subtly find out what the deal was when I gained about 20 lbs in one month. I think they thought I was pregnant.
2 years
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