Fat experiences

I might start tomorrow.

Most people can not lose weight, if they decide being big isn't for them, so it is a legitimate concern.
2 years

I might start tomorrow.

Gaining weight takes a lot of effort on your part and if you are just having a fantasy maybe you need to leave it a fantasy.
If you are not sure or have doubts then don't gain a lot.
Most gainers have no doubt in their mimds on what they want to do and how fat they want to be.
2 years

I might start tomorrow.

You can start off slow to see if just a little gaining satiates you, so you don’t run the risk of that moment of “what have I done to myself?” Like, you can set the goal of gaining 15 lbs in __ amount of time, and trying to stay there at that new weight for a month or something and seeing how you feel. Give it enough time to see how someone in your life reacts, and whether the hurtfulness puts a brunt on the strength of your desire to gain— or if you feel that burn of desire more than ever. It’s such a hard call tho!! I’d probably gain some if it weren’t for how awful people can be, and part of me’s like “it’s none of their business” but I know what you mean about being sensitive to comments. I just wish others’ words didn’t have SUCH a strong effect over something that doesn’t even affect them.
2 years

I might start tomorrow.

Take your time and see what you like and go from there. Take it ten pounds at a time and learn and see what what works for you. As you age, what you will see is that you will pay what others think about you once you get into what I call "Your F It Forties" because what I was concerned about what they thought of my gains in my twenties doesn't even faze me know so there is hope....
2 years