Fattening others

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Peanut butter helped me a lot smiley
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Just go with the regular stuff, increasing portions size, snacks, dessert.
Combine the extra food with something nice, like a massage etc.
Don’t go over board, so you don’t scare her away✌🏻
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

I leave the holiday peanut butter cups at my wife's desk. She always goes through them. Between those and seconds for dinner, she blew up this fall.
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Leaving highly calorific grazing/snack foods everywhere will really make her pack it on. Think chocolates, truffles, caramels, crisps, sweets, etc. Leave them at her bedside, by the sofa, on the kitchen table - anywhere she stops to be for significant amounts of time and will end up mindless picking at what’s nearby. It’s amazing how much chocolate you can absentmindedly eat even when you’re not hungry! And no cooking involved. 😉

Hahaha, that's what will be called unintentional weight gain.
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Hehe I just invented a milkshake last week that is decadently outrageously attenunngly good. I used whole milk with peanut butter and Neopolitan ice cream, plus a generous amount of heavy cream, a little frozen fruit and some strawberry syrup….. omg I’m for sure gonna become addicted I highly recommend oh and don’t forget the whipped cream and cherries on top 🍒

Maybe you put a detailed recipe of it in the ''Food and recipes'' tab. Would love to see it.
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

I leave the holiday peanut butter cups at my wife's desk. She always goes through them. Between those and seconds for dinner, she blew up this fall.

What peanut butter cups are they exactly? I’m looking to buy some for myself if they were really effective
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

The secret to fattening someone is discovering what they can't say 'no' to. What do THEY love?

The whole heavy cream, gainer shake trope is frankly a weird unnecessary rabbit hole. Just stock your house with what she loves and watch her go back for round after round of it.

Having her pick out the snacks is a bigger plus. It's more top of mind when they made the decision and planted that seed of anticipation in themselves.
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Having her pick out the snacks is a bigger plus. It's more top of mind when they made the decision and planted that seed of anticipation in themselves.

This is brilliant.

Other points: Make sure there are at least two or three days worth of snacks on hand. Don't wait until she finishes all of them. And make sure YOU don't eat HER snacks. That way you can keep track of what she actually eats and buy more of whatever she goes through fastest. At the same time, make sure to also get new things that she hasn't tried before. Variety is the spice of life. And of gluttony.
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

^ I also think this is why moms gain after kids. For most thinner women, they didn't spend a ton of time scouring over the snack aisles on a weekly basis keeping tabs on what's new and interesting.

That's why it's important they personally pick out their snacks. My wife now comes home with stuff that I never thought she would like and sometimes never even knew existed if it's a brand new product.

Don't always think you know what she wants. SHE may not even know what her new vice is until she sees it!
2 years

What can i feed my wife to fatten her quickly?

Keep her near snacks. Work from home has fattened my wife up. I get her snacks she likes and make sure her desk is stocked.
2 years