
Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

Like I said in my first post, my trouble stopping doesn't come from an inability to control myself around food causing me to overeat and continue gaining when I don't want to. Rather, it comes from an obsession with continuing to make my belly bigger and the excitement I feel when the number on the scale increases further, both of which make me tempted to keep chugging the weight gain shakes despite knowing that I should finally be happy with my body the way it is now.

i definitely get what you're talking about. i'm pushing 350 lbs after my gaining efforts of the last few months. i look and feel huge, and i know this is much bigger than i ever expected to be, let alone wanting to be. yet i look at the numbers on the scale, and how round, soft and jiggly i am in the mirror and catch myself pondering what i would look and feel like with another 10-20 lbs. once i've thought it i want to actually see it.
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

No hard data but: it seems to me that those who have trouble stopping are usually the same people who regularly stuff themselves to the absolute maximum, too full to take a deep breath. I mean, you can do that occasionally, but if you do it once a week or more you're apt to go out of control.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?

I can't stand stuffing. I have to graze throughout the day to get my calories. I don't even do large meals on thanksgiving.
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

I'm a hard gainer, so I certainly haven't had a hard time stopping. smiley
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

I don't want to stop
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

Definitely cannot stop, even after months at 'ideal healthy weight'. The urges come back relentlessly.
I think that I will no longer resist.
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

When I started gaining in 2015, I was a skinny 150 pounds ( at 6'0" ). At first, I only planned to gain to 180 and then stop. But when I got there, I was surprised at how skinny I still felt, so I increased my goal to 200. And then 225. And then 250. And then 300, which I finally reached a couple of weeks ago just after Thanksgiving.

So over the past six years, this is what I've done to myself, completely on purpose:

- Gained over 150 pounds and more than doubled my weight.

- Grew my belly to such a huge size that even when I wake up in the morning and haven't had anything to eat or drink, it's 56" around.

- Gone from a healthy BMI of 20.3 to a massive 41.5, officially becoming morbidly obese in the process.

I thought that when I achieved my ultimate goal of 300 pounds, I would finally stop. But yesterday morning I stepped on the scale and saw that I now weigh 306, and I looked in the mirror and saw how big, round, and soft my belly is and how far it sticks out in front of me. And I was so turned on knowing that I've gained even more.

I still feel addicted to growing my belly even fatter. And it's not even that my appetite has increased so much that I can't control myself around food. Rather, it's that I'm still chugging multiple weight gain shakes every day because I'm so sexually aroused by this fetish.

Gaining so much weight hasn't come without downsides. I've unfortunately experienced numerous health issues as a result of my gain. And when I was 225 or even 250 pounds, I feel like I could still attract the attention of some "normal" women, but now at 300+, I'm at that level of obesity where I'm pretty much only going to be sexually attractive to feeders. And even though a relationship with someone who's also into feederism would be a dream come true for me, we all know that finding such a person is akin to tracking down a unicorn.

For the record, I don't regret gaining. I love the way my body looks now, and I don't want to lose weight. But when is enough finally enough? In a perfect world I could just "lock in" my current weight and stay like this indefinitely, but in reality that's much easier said than done. So I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences and, if so, how you handled them?

Wow man, first of all I'm really impressed with your commitment and determination.

Most of the people struggle to find that kind of determination even when the goal is becoming more attractive and healthy. It looks like you've managed to develop a systematic approach to hack your metabolism and double your starting weight. I am honestly amazed by the big round belly you've grown there.

To come to my personal experience I have a quite different point of view.

Actually there is mine and the one of my girlfriend. I'm a fat admirer, I could encourage a bit but I'm definitely not a feeder, and surely not hardcore. My ideal would be a slim girl with just some weakspot, maybe just a hint of a belly, or a butt that seems a bit too big for the rest of the frame.

My girlfriend in her early 20s was a slim gorgeous girl with no weakspots at all. More on the skinny side, but with boobs, and of course many of her friends told her she was so lucky.

I told her about my preferences, she found it weird but funny. She said she would have never gained weight on purpose, and with her fast metabolism she wouldn't put on weight at all. But she said she could have a few extra dessetrs for me if that would have made me happy.

So there she started, nothing crazy, just coming to bed with an ice cream or a bit of chocolate. I was super happy and she was finding the all thing funny but very enjoyable. She also would always finish with a dessert whenever we were dining out. One year or 2 went by, bigger portions and desserts were usual by then but with no effects. The scales were always around 110-112 lbs at 5'7. I thought she was right about her metabolism and I gave up hoping to see that number going up. A few months later, after a 2 week holiday in a nice resort, she weighed in at 116. We were both surprised. She laughed, amazed rather than concerned, she was still very slim and we really couldn't tell she was carrying any extra pounds. Another few months and she was just shy of 120 lbs. My dream was coming true. All I was hoping for was to see her at 125.. a whopping 15 lbs gain. She was starting to be a bit more concerned but she agreed to keep playing with food and accepted 125 as a limit. As you can guess she got there. I was over the moon, she had mixed feelings. Then she left the country for a work experience. I was really hoping she wouldn't lose the weight. She said she was pretty sure she wasn't "I can hardly button my trousers, don't need a scale to know..". I saw her 5 months later when she was back home.. I could see what she meant, her skinny jeans looked tight on her, the waistband even denting in her flesh a bit..
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

She stepped on the scales and it read 136 lbs! We were both very surprised. This time it was mainly concern from her side, for me it was still quite amusing to see such a big number, but I did think it was enough, my girl had exceeded my fantasies and there was no need to go any further. She said "Enjoy it till it lasts because it has to go before summer!" I did enjoy it and interestingly by summer I was quite used to it and happy it was still there. That summer started with the scales at 139 lbs "Shit, nearly 140! I'm getting too fat!" That summer was always when she started to get comments from her friends and colleagues. They were mainly friendly "hey, you've put on a bit, haven't you?" It was amazing to see the surprise on her friends' faces, clearly she was the last person they expected to see putting on weight. Even some of my friends commented, and not always friendly "gosh, your girlfriend is letting herself go, isn't she!" Luckily from her friends it really was friendly and I saw her becoming more and more relaxed around that topic during the summer. She even had no problem replying to her curious friends "yeah, it was just a few pounds initially but then I don't know, something has changed and it's so easy to pile them on now. I go to holiday and I put on 5, I went for that work experience abroad and Bang, 10 pounds in 5 months! Oh it was so easy to stay skinny back in college".

Summer was over and I remember seeing her stepping on the scales one day and matter of factly saying "Go figure, 143. It just keep going up." That was the second big surprise for me (after seeing my skinny girl getting softer and softer). Her being passive in front of it. She didn't mind getting in the 120s because she still looked gorgeous, she panicked when she reached the 130s, and by the time she was well in the 140s she was just so fatalist, a bit disappointed but nothing else.

One night at the restaurant that autumn we sat down and she looked at me with a pout.. I asked what was wrong and she said "look at my belly, that roll is obscene!" She was wearing a tight white top and a pair of jeans. That outfit was accentuating her weakspot indeed, not really obscene but I guess that's what it seemed to the eyes of a girl that used to be skinny and toned all of her life. Regardless she ordered herself a quite substantial meal and enjoyed it all. Then she went for the dessert menu with a big grin. I was a bit confused, my girl was getting bigger than my dreams, she was aware, but she wasn't doing much about it. I asked if she was still hungry and she replied "oh I don't need to be, I just love their cakes!"

That Christmas we were at her family and she was pushing 150 lbs. When she sat at the table her brother nastily asked since when she had got that big sausage on her lap. To be fair her roll had grown substantially that winter and she was wearing the same unforgiving white clingy top as a few months before and yes, it was asking for comments or jokes. She told her brother he was an idiot and she kept eating very well throughout those holydays just to prove she didn-t care what he thought.

After a few weeks back at home she did say she had got fat enough and it was time to cut on food. I thought she was right. She was already 25 pounds above my initial ideal and I thought her belly roll had definitely reached that limit between arousing and just too much.

But then again, the more time passes the more you adapt and I got used to her softer version, and she grew more confortable in her new size too. Then it's easy to let her guard down from her side and to hope for another few more pounds for me.

Two years later we were sitting at the table of one old friend of hers from college. She had always been the chubby friend but she had managed to diet and she was telling us how she finally lost 20 pounds and got under 170 lbs. My girlfriend was sitting next to her and praising her for her achievement and telling her she looked much better now. At the same time my girl had just gone for a second helping of mashed potatoes and sausages. When reminded that there was also cake in the end she said jokingly "no worries, no cake is going to waste with me" and she patted her once little belly roll, by then full blown spare tire resting on her lap. I had never thought I would have found such a spare tire exciting on my girl but it definitely was. Moreover I knew she was up to 175 lbs by then, bigger than her once fat friend was at the moment. That detail hadn't escaped my girlfriend either. She was undressing in bed that night, her bare spare tire in view for me, as she reached behind her back to undo her bras and let her once perky boobs now heavy udders sag down towards her belly, she said "can you believe it, I'm fatter than Clohe now, that's crazy. She really looks good now though. Another few years and I could be heavier than she used to be!" Again, the surprise was how matter of factly she sounded.
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

BouttoBurst:I do think there is merit to the theory that those of us who can't stop regularly stuff beyond our limits. I do it pretty much every day lately.
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

Quarantine was crazy, I never put on so much weight, when I wasn't gorging, I was thinking about food and what I wanted, snacking was a constant. I'm generally ok, for food breaks, but if I see a just eat ad, I get a takeaway.... Then snack more
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

I stopped, but I'm much lighter than most of y'all on here. I moves my goal weight I think 8 times. I loved getting bigger and seeing the number climb. However, I did not love the mounting inconviences that came with it.

Mind you I was never truly fat. I gain 50 lbs in about 3 ish years, but that is primarily muscle with a small layer of fat. You can still see my abs and such. But after a certain point, it just stopped being fun for me.

I'm maintaining now. Transitioning from active gain wasn't the easiest thing, but I was determined. I suppose it helped I was finally happy with my body.
1 year
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