
Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

skinny feeder ahah but muscular I prefer ☺️ I love being the fattest of the couple (it is not that complicated ahah)
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

The fatter they are, they more they can eat.
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

Skinny/muscular feeder and extremely out of shape morbidly obese feedee.

We should be at the most extreme ends of the human body, one dedicated to extreme fitness and strength and the other to pure gluttony and fat.

I’ve also found it’s pretty easy to manipulate someone into gaining if you’re pure eye candy to them. (This can go for the other way too)
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

I had a male feeder who lived with me for about 6 months, first he had a strange dream where he was feeding and watching me grow, then for 3 months he actually fed me, it was mostly burgers snacks, Chinese and cakes, but I would have preferred a fatter feeder, someone to gain with
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

Its not really who feeds you its the friendship or relationship you have with the person who helps you gain, I miss that feeding mutual respect we had, and all the food I gorged on
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

I like the teasing that comes from the thin/fit feeder but a fat feeder knows what it’s like to be fat ❤️
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

The skinny feeder is swift like the wind. So you'll never wait more than 2 seconds for the next ice cream tub.
1 year
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