
Buffet camping

What's the longest amount of time you've ever spent at golden corral or similar buffet? Has anyone ever been kicked out for "camping" or hanging around all day for multiple meals? Just continuously eating, taking breaks, napping even, and going back for more.
2 years

Buffet camping

I've spent at least two to 2 & half hours at the buffet eating BUT I've NEVER camped out at a buffet and won't do it.
2 years

Buffet camping

I never heard of this but once a girl and her mom took me out to eat that I was dating and they legit spent over 3 hours there. The shifts changed it was that long. I know it was after four when we left and they came in at the AM.

And no, most people aren't kicked out unless eating an insane amount or causing a scene.

My ex and his friends used to play board games at the Denny's when they had all you can eat spagetti and such and the staff were super chill. They also did it at a chinese buffet once as well.
2 years