Fattening others

Wife gaining

Many women are dreamers and for some reason feel the world rotates on a size 1 waist and if they can stay slim they made it. Well nothing could be further from the truth a woman of weight is far more desirable and not because I love big woman but because they are not trying to be something their not and that is real attraction to any male. The media and all these so called influencers are frauds and are the real problem why this diet shit is so prevalent. One hand feeds the next and the next and they get rich putting out false thoughts and lifestyles. So you go girl and pack on the pounds if it makes you happy because the size one will never be happy.
2 years

Wife gaining

Well I didn’t even need to bring it up again. Last night while we were both buzzed she brought it up and said she’ll start to gain more weight. Didn’t want it to turn into a feedee/feeder situation but said she’d put on about 40-50 lbs. She’s about 195 now up from 180 in august.

Congratulations! Show her a good time and she won't mind gaining more.
2 years

Wife gaining

Honestly I have had similar experiences with my partner. She doesn't want to gain for me but if I don't bring it up or bring attention to it and just quietly buy more snacks and food she tends to gain.

This is exactly the way my wife is. When things really excel rates with her gain was when I accidentally put on a big gut as well from eating along with her. Women love company. We become eating buddies with huge appetites and she never complained a bit about becoming the fattest she had ever been while I was fattening up right along side her.
2 years

Wife gaining

This sounds like a very similar situation to my own. My wife got up to around 215 after our second child. This was the heaviest she had ever been. She lost about 60 pounds, which I absolutely hated. The obsessive dieting more so than anything. It killed our sex life. After 2 or 3 years, the weight started creeping back on slowly. That’s when I came out and told her about my fetish. She is definitely not so worried about gaining weight now. Having said that I haven’t been able to get her to purposely gain or force feed her like I’d like. I’ve found a more subtle approach works best. Showing an interest in cooking with her, filling the house with fattening snacks and chocolate etc. Even willing to gain a little weight myself seems to rub off on her. I want her to weigh herself again, but I’m a little worried about her reacting badly to it. I know she is back up over 200, but by how much I don’t know. So to answer your question, I find a subtle approach has worked best for me

Subtle is the ticket for sure in my case with my wife!

Did you find that as you gained along with her she not only was willing to keep gaining herself, but did you find that she was extremely sexed in the bedroom because of your gain as well?
1 year

Wife gaining

Jealous, but also so happy for both of you!
1 year

Wife gaining

Happy for you
1 year

Wife gaining

Was gone for work for about 3 months and had noticed on zoom my wife’s face looking rounder. Got home a few days ago and she’s full on fat and I love it. She is up to around 250. She knows I love it and has fully embraced it.

This sounds amazing! I'm so glad you were able to navigate this together and be happy!
1 year